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Organic Siberian millet Seeds (Setaria italica subsp. maximum Al.)

Organic Siberian millet Seeds (Setaria italica subsp. maximum Al.)

1.14 €
Fodder and grain crops, heat-loving and drought-resistant, are used for the production of cereals, alcohol, as well as for fodder for birds, a very promising crop that does not require much maintenance.

  • Packet Weigh 5/50:

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 13102-5
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 5 years

  • Organic Siberian millet Seeds, black rice, capitate millet (Setaria italica subsp. Maximum Al.)

    Forage crops and cereals, annual cultivated plants of the cereal family, or Poaceae.

    Chumiza is a heat-loving and drought-resistant culture. It is used for the production of cereals, alcohol, and also for poultry feed.

    The inflorescence is a thorn-shaped panicle. The spikelet has an oval or round shape. Bristles of different lengths are located between the spikelets. The grain has a round shape and different colors (white, yellow, orange or red-brown).

    Chumiza is a very valuable grain crop, which, unfortunately, has not yet received proper distribution. The cultivation technology is similar to the well-known millet, but in terms of yield it is much superior. It is a very valuable food not only for pets and birds, but also for birds such as parrots, canaries, etc.

    A very promising crop that does not require much maintenance. One weeding is practically enough, while the plants are small, and then they sprout and suppress the weeds. Ukrainian variety.

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