«Fortuna» - Organic Melon Seeds

«Fortuna» - Organic Melon Seeds

1.14 €
The variety was created by inter-hybrid hybridization of Lesia x Lada varieties with subsequent individual and mass selection. Mid-early, from shoots to the beginning of ripening of fruits 68-78 days. Fruits are oval in shape.

  • Packet Size 10/100/1000:

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 12115-10
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 8 years

  • Heirloom Melon «Fortuna»

    The variety was created by inter-hybrid hybridization of Lesia x Lada varieties with subsequent individual and mass selection. Mid-early, from shoots to the beginning of ripening of fruits 68-78 days.

    Fruits are oval in shape. A grid in the form of cracks is complete or partial. Pulp of white color is thick (up to 6.0 cm), juicy, sweet. A tasting score of 4.4 points. The average fetus weighs 4.2 kg.

    The yield on dry land varies from 19.6 to 28.3 t/ha. Fruits contain 11.5% of dry substances, 9.8% of sugars, 27.5 mg /% of vitamin C. Transportability is good.

    The variety is quite resistant against Fusarium wilt and powdery mildew with high taste qualities and does not need the use of pesticides.

    How to grow


    Sow two seeds 1.5cm (1/2in) deep from mid- to late April, in a propagator or on a sunny windowsill at 18-21ºC (64-70ºF). Remove the strongest seedling after germination. Harden off (acclimatise to outdoor conditions) from late May to early June, once there is no danger of frost, and when they have three or four leaves.


    Melons are tender plants, so need a warm, sunny spot with high humidity. In the UK it is best to grow in a glasshouse, polytunnel or under a cloche or in a coldframe. Melons need a rich, fertile, moisture retentive, deep and well-drained soil. Three to four weeks before planting, prepare the ground by removing weeds and incorporating up to two bucketfuls of organic matter and a modest dressing of general purpose fertiliser. Water well and cover in clear polythene for a week before planting to warm the soil.

    Pinch out the growing point at the fifth leaf to encourage side shoots, when they appear, retain the four strongest and remove the others. In a coldframe, train the four shoots into an X shape. Under cloches, train one pair each way. In very sunny weather, shade indoor crops with netting or whitewash on the glass. Keep well watered at all times. When fruit are the size of walnuts, feed with a high potash potassium liquid fertiliser every 7-10 days. Stop feeding and reduce watering when the fruits start to ripen and foliage dies back.

    Increase ventilation and remove shading once plants become established, but remember to re-apply shading later in summer if temperatures exceed 25ºC.


    Harvest when they produce the characteristic melon fragrance and the fruits start to crack near the stem.

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