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Fir of one color Seeds (Abies concolor)

Fir of one color Seeds (Abies concolor)

1.14 €
A powerful, tall tree with a wide conical crown, an excellent decoration for gardens and parks, the high decorative qualities of the monochromatic fir are best manifested when standing alone and in loose, small groups.

  • Packet Size 10/100/1000:

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 13581-10
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2022
  • Shelf life: 5 years

  • White Fir / Abies concolor

    Powerful (trunk diameter up to 1.9 meters), high (up to 60 meters) tree with a wide conical crown, dense in youth and relatively sparse and lowered in old age; sharp spire-like top (in old trees it becomes flatter). In 30 years it reaches 10-12 m in height.

    Shirokopyramidalnaya, large, with a regular conical crown. Skeletal branches are located at right angles to the trunk, prone to sagging with age. Branching branches are small, smooth, with yellowish pubescence, usually directed upwards.

    Flat, green or bluish-green needles, with grayish-white lines on both sides, often crescent-curved, rounded or blunt-pointed at the apex, with a slightly widened base, asymmetrically located. They have a pungent smell reminiscent of camphor.

    Cones are large, sessile, oval-cylindrical, 7-12 cm long, 3-4.5 cm wide; at the beginning of ripening they are olive green, then turn yellow-brown and dark brown.

    In terms of drought tolerance, the monochromatic fir is one of the first places among fir trees, it tolerates not very frosty winters, is relatively wind-resistant, due to late bud opening by spring frosts, it is not damaged, very photophilous, well tolerates urban conditions and unfavorable environmental factors.

    Grows well on fresh deep sandy loam and loam, but can grow on other types of soil, preferring a slightly acidic environment; required pH range: 5.5-7.8. Sensitive to soil salinity. Young fir seedlings can grow in shaded conditions, but they do much better in full sunlight.

    Perfect decoration for gardens and parks. The high decorative qualities of the monochromatic fir are best manifested when standing alone and in loose, small groups. Single and group plantings significantly benefit if they are located against the background of larch trees, especially in autumn, when their needles turn yellow and the bluish tint of fir becomes the brightest.

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