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Fruit Trees Seeds

Fruit Trees Seeds

Coniferous Trees Seeds

Coniferous Trees Seeds

Ornamental Trees Seeds

Ornamental Trees Seeds

Shrub Seeds

Shrub Seeds

Deciduous Tree Seeds

Deciduous Tree Seeds

Organic Magnolia officinalis seeds NEW
Product code: 3680
1.14 €
A medium-sized tree with large (up to 25 cm) leathery elliptical leaves, which has large (22 cm) cupped, cream or milky-cream flowers, located at the ends of the branches, very fragrant.
«Black Prince» - Organic Apricot Seeds NEW
Product code: 12254
1.50 €
A hybrid of apricot and cherry plum, ripens in late July - early August, the fruits weigh on average 50-80 grams, are round in shape, dark purple in color, have lightish flesh, and at the same time a slightly sour, sweet taste.
Product code: 15719
1.14 €
An evergreen dense shrub, reaching a height of 1 m and 150 cm in diameter, annual growth is about 15 cm, the leaves are dark green, shiny, leathery, narrow and long, the flowers are white, collected in spikes, blooms in May.
Organic Birthwort Seeds NEW
Product code: 15650
1.50 €
A herbaceous perennial plant-liana, the height of which varies from 50 to 90 cm, the rhizome is creeping, the stem of the birthwort is erect, slightly twisting, branches rarely, of a light green hue.
Product code: 12439
1.14 €
An adaptable and easy-to-grow tree, flowering ash is dazzling with the fluffy white fragrant clusters of tiny blossoms in late spring or early summer and yellow and purple fall foliage. A round-canopy deciduous tree.
Product code: 12438
1.14 €
This apple occurs in the mountains of Russian Central Asia and bordering parts of China. It is recognised as a species in Fl. SSSR, near to M. sieversii, of which it may only be a colour variant.
Product code: 10525
1.14 €
They are attractive trees with deciduous glossy pinnate leaves. Develops a smooth gray bark that resembles that of a beech tree and grows to a height of 20 metres. The leaves resemble the foliage of an ash tree and are a glossy dark green in summer.
Product code: 11591
1.14 €
Rosa canina hips can be used to make jam, jelly, syrup, marmalade and wine. Homemade rose-hip syrup is delicious and well worth making. It is an excellent natural source of vitamin C. It also contains vitamins A, D and E, and antioxidants.
Product code: 12424
1.14 €
Manchurian Fir (Abies holophylla) The Manchurian Fir tree is native to mountain regions of Russia, Northern Korea and China. It grows in elevations up to 5,000 feet. The Manchurian Fir tree grows in pyramidal form up to 100 feet tall.
Product code: 12421
1.14 €
A beautiful evergreen tree, the Cilician fir produces a pointy top and dense foliage and branches that grow on upward-growing branches that persist on the lowest parts of the trunk. This slow-growing conifer is native to highland pockets from Lebanon.
Product code: 12436
2.00 €
Today, Empress Tree is primarily grown as an ornamental tree for its large leaves and beautiful purple blooms that show in spring and early summer.
Product code: 12441
1.14 €
Though native to Japan, Larix Kaempferi is also widely planted in other parts of the world as a forestry tree due to its strength and vigour. Its growth as a juvenile tree is even faster than the European Larch though its ultimate height is no greater.
Product code: 12442
1.14 €
A tree reaching a height of 30-40 m with a trunk diameter of 80-100 cm, a conical or irregular crown, with proper pruning, shaping, can be used to create decorative, weeping forms, and is also widely used for bonsai.
Product code: 12435
1.14 €
The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. It is noted for attracting wildlife. The bark is pale grey-brown and irregularly ridged, with characteristic large burrs and leaf shoots at the base of the tree.
Product code: 10373
1.14 €
A beautiful, medium-sized, deciduous tree rarely taller than 10 m, native to China. It forms a stocky trunk that holds a broad crown with large, shallowly lobed, light green leaves. The beautiful, yellowish white flowers are held in large clusters.
Product code: 11494
1.14 €
Hibiscus syriacus, the common garden Hibiscus is also called Rose of Sharon. It is a flowering shrub native to much of Asia. It is vase-shaped, reaching 2-4 meters in height. Hibiscus syriacus is the national flower of South Korea.
Product code: 11493
1.14 €
Hibiscus syriacus, the common garden Hibiscus is also called Rose of Sharon. It is a flowering shrub native to much of Asia. It is vase-shaped, reaching 2-4 meters in height. Hibiscus syriacus is the national flower of South Korea.
Product code: 12443
1.14 €
Tall shrub or small tree up to 6 m, spreading crown, gray-brown branches, long spines on the branches, leaves are large and thin.
Product code: 4311
1.14 €
This is actually called a pearl bush and flowers long and abundantly with cascades of beautiful, pure white blooms! So lovely to see! This ornamental shrub is compact growing with a bushy growth, remains low and grows wide.
Product code: 10145
1.14 €
The Scots pine, also known as the common pine or red fir is one of the most important tree species in Europe both economically and ecologically. Its range covers all of Eurasia and stretches from the Arctic Circle in the north to the south of Turkey.
Organic Pine crimean Seeds (Pinus pallasiana) NEW
Product code: 6839
3.00 €
The tree is 15-20 m tall, with a broadly ovate dense, and in older trees with a flat umbrella-shaped crown and horizontal branches, thanks to the long, up to 18 cm, dark green needles and dense foliage of the crown, it is very decorative.
Product code: 10367
1.14 €
The tree in the range is up to 25 m in height, in culture 6-18 m in height, the trunk is straight, sometimes branched from the base, the crown is compact, thin, narrow oval-conical, in old trees it is irregular, ovoid-conical.
Product code: 7954
1.14 €
A particularly unusual and rarely seen shrub which originates from China. Rhodotypos scandens bears single, white flowers from the tips of each shoot with an appealing simplicity. The blooms are later replaced by large berries meausining up to 8mm across.
Product code: 6835
1.14 €
It was only discovered in 1943 and due to World War 2 was not studied further until 1946 and only finally described as a new living species, metasequoia glyptostroboides, in 1948. Only one natural forest containing around 5400 trees is known to exist.
Organic Amur Maple Seeds (Acer Ginnala) NEW
Product code: 6843
1.14 €
The Amur Maple is native to Northeast China and Japan. Amur maple has only started to attain popularity as a bonsai. It can be grown as a multi-stemmed clump or can be trained into a small tree with a single trunk. The tree grows about 20 to 30 feet tall.
Product code: 6842
1.39 €
The large bladder like fruiting structures of this medium sized shrub are just irresistible to curiosity each one containing one or more chestnut brown seeds that are a bit larger than a fat pea.
Product code: 10142
1.14 €
Lawson's cypress make an excellent hedge of all heights, they are very tolerant of clipping so long as this does not extend into the brown barked wood since trees cannot regenerate from this. Any trimming should be done in the summer.
Organic Lawson cypress Seeds, f. blue (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana f.glauca) NEW
Product code: 6834
3.00 €
This tree, with a narrow conical crown, reaches a height of 30-40 m and in its appearance resembles a thuja, in contrast, the top is made of small horizontal or drooping branches, the bark is black-brown, and the needles are scaly. Very shade tolerant.
Product code: 10371
1.14 €
The Catalpa has the distinction of bearing some of the showiest flowers of all the American native trees. Its value in this respect has long been recognised and it holds an assured place in the parks and gardens of all temperate countries.
Product code: 10372
1.14 €
The Catalpa tree family is native to North America and has both a Southern Catalpa and Northern Catalpa species. We offer both species and ship the Catalpa species that will grow best in your area.
Product code: 5438
1.14 €
These small trees are found in North America, northern Asia, and in Europe, generally in forested and mountainous areas. The berries have a crown, this is important because no berry that has a crown is known to be poisonous.
Product code: 6525
1.50 €
Honeylocust is a fast growing deciduous flowering tree which is very tolerant of alkaline soils, salty soils and urban conditions. Young specimens can put on 2 to 3 feet of growth per year. Honeylocust usually obtains a height of 40 to 80 feet.
Product code: 6863
1.14 €
Red Elderberry (Sambacus racemosa) thrives in Riparian Zones, on north aspects and transition zones. It is a large deciduous shrub or small tree of the Honeysuckle family that grows 10-20 ft tall with a broad arching form.
Organic Almaty Hawthorn Seeds (Crataegus almaatensis) NEW
Product code: 6846
1.14 €
A tall shrub or small tree 4-5 m. The crown is tent-shaped, the bark of old branches is dark brown, the bark of young branches is dark purple or cherry, the inflorescences are complex, loose, multi-flowered, purple-red.
Product code: 6838
1.14 €
Amur cork tree, called Huang Bai in China, is commonly used in Chinese herbalism, where it is considered to be one of the 50 fundamental herbs, but one that should be used with care.
Product code: 7945
4.68 €
An evergreen species of barberry from the Barberry family, the Juliana barberry is very decorative and is used in single or group plantings against the background of a lawn, near trees, in the form of curbs and hedges.
Organic European Ash Seeds / Fraxinus excelsior NEW
Product code: 3691
1.14 €
A tree 20-30 m high, whose leaves are imparipinnate, consisting of 7-15 leaflets, the flowers are small, without a perianth, bisexual, with two stamens and a pistil with a bipartite stigma.
Product code: 3698
1.14 €
The Black Mulberry is a medium sized deciduous tree usually only to 20 to 30 feet, but can reach 70 feet. Trees are known to be very long lived and can bear fruit for several hundred years. Mulberry trees are either dioecious or monoecious.
Product code: 3676
1.14 €
Morus Alba, commonly known as White Mulberry, is native to China. White Mulberry is a small- to medium-sized, fast-growing, deciduous tree. Its leaves have been used in China since 2600 B.C. as the primary diet for silkworms used to make silk.
Product code: 3670
2.73 €
The English Yew has a native range that is broader than you might first imagine reaching across western, central and southern Europe, to north west Africa, northern Iran and south west Asia. Yew is widely used in gardens and in landscaping.
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