«Fist» - Organic Eggplant Seeds

«Fist» - Organic Eggplant Seeds

1.14 €
Mid-season variety (108 days from germination to ripeness) for outdoor and greenhouses. The plant is medium. Fruits globose, glossy, light purple with delicate white flesh. Fruit weight 300-350 grams. Tastes excellent. Appreciated for the delicate taste.

  • Packet Size 10/100/1000:

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 8458-10
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 5 years

  • Heirloom Eggplant «Fist»

    Mid-season variety (108 days from germination to ripeness) for outdoor and greenhouses. The plant is medium. Fruits globose, glossy, light purple with delicate white flesh. Fruit weight 300-350 grams. Tastes excellent. Appreciated for the delicate taste.

    How to Plant

    When growing eggplant, remember that planting eggplant from seed should be done indoors or in a greenhouse setting. This protects the new little seedlings from any sort of frost. When planting eggplant, if you plant them too early, you will risk hurting the plant. The soil needs to be warm before you put them outdoors. Too early and the cold soil will kill the roots of the plants. Eggplant is more sensitive than tomatoes to the cold.

    When you are thinking about where to plant eggplant, think about your gardening space as eggplants need lots of space. When planting eggplant, put them about 18 inches apart in the row, and the rows need to be about 30 inches apart if not more. This requires quite a large area. Fertilize your eggplants after you transplant the seedlings. Also, mid-season, when growing eggplants, side-dress plants with nitrogen.

    Planting eggplant is best when you can expect most growth to happen during the summer. Eggplants thrive during the summertime heat, making the biggest fruits during this part of the growing season. Also, be sure during the summer heat that you water frequently and make sure the soil stays somewhat moist. Don’t let the plants dry out or you will not get the results you would like.

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