How to Make a Container Garden

Container gardening is perfect for those in urban areas and for anyone wanting to garden with ease. By planting a container garden with mint and stevia, you will be able to enjoy tea anytime you want.

Container Garden

Mint leaves and sweetener are the only items needed to make this fresh garden mint tea, so this could not be easier. Growing stevia enables you to avoid adding sugar to your tea and sweetens it naturally. Just steep the stevia leaves with your mint leaves and your tea is ready to enjoy!

Step 1

Container Garden

Choose a container that is large enough to accomodate the size of the mint and stevia you are planting. Roots need plenty of room to grow so the plant has a sturdy base.

Step 2

Container Garden

Fill the bottom of the container with a few inches of stones so the soil is able to drain away excess water. This prevents the water from overpowering the roots. Make sure to choose a container with a hole in the bottom to allow for water drainage.

Step 3

Container Garden

Fill container the rest of the way with potting soil. Potting soil is lighter than top soil and is formulated to drain well in containers.

Step 4

Container Garden

Sprinkle fertilizer on the top two inches of potting soil and work in slightly with hands. Potting soil needs a fertilizer since it does not have the nutrients of earth bound soil.

Step 5

Container Garden

Choose mint varieties that you enjoy. It is nice to have at least two types of tea for different options or you can mix the leaves together when making the tea. Add a stevia plant which can be steeped with the tea and used in place of sugar. Plant the mint and stevia by lightly breaking apart the roots of the plants and pushing the soil around them for stability.

Step 6

Container Garden
Place the container in a sunny spot, water as needed and watch the plants grow! Soon you will be enjoying fresh mint tea!

You may need:

  • «Forest mint» - Organic Lemon Balm Seeds

  • Lemon Balm Seeds


  • Category: Vegetables | Rating: 1.0/3
    Added by: Alex Gardener - Any content of this site can be used for noncommercial purpose only with active link to the original source - © 2025 ORGANICseeds.TOP

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