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Set of Seeds «Easy Garden» - 19 packets
Product code: 10751
10.99 €
Organic Heirloom Variety Seeds. 100% Heirloom, Natural & Non-GMO Strains Grown in the Ukraine. Brand оf this year Stock. Open Pollinated with Very High Germination Rate.
Set of Seeds «Seeds of Victory» - 31 packets Income for support AFU
Product code: 15511
26.21 €
29.15 € (Sale: 10%)
Patriotic set of flower and vegetable seeds. Income for support Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Product code: 10752
5.99 €
Organic Heirloom Variety Seeds. 100% Heirloom, Natural & Non-GMO Strains Grown in the Ukraine. Brand New 2017 Stock. Open Pollinated with Very High Germination Rate.
Set of vegetable seeds «Gardener’s Dream» - 15 packets NEW
Product code: 12928
9.99 €
The set includes seeds of the best and popular varieties of vegetables with different ripening periods; all vegetables have high yields and great taste.
«Maximus» - Organic Watermelon Seeds NEW
Product code: 16076
1.14 €
This is a mid-early watermelon with a 60-65-day ripening period, very powerful development at the start, high yield, oval-shaped fruits, average weight 10-12 kg, bright red flesh, dense, with a high sugar content.
Product code: 4370
1.14 €
Late variety (86-98 days). Round, smooth green fruits with dark green stripes. Very sweet, tender and juicy plink flesh. Average weight 4-5 kg (9-11 lbs.). High-quality Watermelons in September which can be stored up to 2 month. Resistance to anthracnose.
Product code: 2609
1.14 €
An ideal plant for gardeners with limited space, the vines of Polar Lights bush only reach 3-31/2 feet in length. This is an early producer, the juicy and sweet little 6 pound fruit should be ready harvest in 62 days. Flesh is a deep scarlet.
Product code: 2611
1.14 €
The variety is resistant to overripe and rotting fruits, has a distinctive appearance. Transportability and storage quality is high. Variety of watermelon "Chumak" is resistant to fusarium wilt. Cold resistant. The taste is excellent.
Product code: 14955
1.14 €
Medium-early watermelon of high quality, strong walls of the fruit allow good transportation and storage of the crop, resistant to anthracnose, fusarium wilt, unpretentious to growing conditions.
Product code: 13126
1.14 €
An early ripe variety with good taste, the average weight is from 8 to 10 kg, the fruits are round-cuboid, the roots are strong, the leaves are impressive in size, it is unpretentious, high productivity, excellent transportability.
Product code: 15715
1.14 €
This is a large-fruited and very tasty high-yielding variety, the fruit is round, weighing 5 - 10 kg, the flesh is dark red, tender, granular, very juicy and sweet, the fruits have high taste, dietary and medicinal properties.
Product code: 10260
1.14 €
Early variety (65-70 days). Productivity up to 3,0 kg/m². Fruits weighing 4-6 kg, are dull-elliptical. The flesh is tender, juicy, carmine-red, sweet. Transportability is good. Resistant to Fusarium wilt and anthracnose.
«Kherson» - Organic Watermelon Seeds Income for support AFU
Product code: 15483
0.91 €
An early ripe variety, the period from germination to the beginning of ripeness is 65-75 days, fruits are medium in size, rounded, weighing 5-6 kg, light green in color with dark green stripes. Income for support Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Product code: 14958
1.14 €
Mid-early variety, striped, rounded-oval fruits, large enough, weight - from 9 to 12 kg, accumulates enough sugar, a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances.
«Crimean» - Organic Watermelon Seeds Income for support AFU
Product code: 15482
0.91 €
Mid-season watermelon variety, the period from germination to the beginning of ripeness is 85-95 days, medium-sized fruits, elongated-rounded, weighing 3-5 kg. Income for support Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Product code: 15171
1.14 €
The most popular variety all over the world, early, intensively growing, fruits are round, dark green in color with barely noticeable stripes, the flesh is bright red, juicy, sweet, fruit weight is 3-4.5 kg.
Product code: 15170
1.14 €
One of the most promising varieties, obtained by crossing the varieties Ogonyok and Super Suite, super early ripening, fruits with an average weight of 3-4 kg, the pulp is tender, juicy, bright red, sweet, retains density for a long time.
Product code: 15169
1.50 €
The variety is mid-season, high-yielding, characterized by excellent transportability and keeping quality, oval fruits, weighing up to 7 kg (some up to 12 kg), light gray-green with marble veins, thin-skinned, the flesh is intense pink, tender and juicy.
Product code: 15168
1.14 €
Early ripe variety, oval fruits, smooth surface, medium thick bark, strong enough, bright red, granular, tender, very sweet pulp, average fruit weight 3 kg, very high taste.
Product code: 14961
1.14 €
Early ripe variety, roundish fruits, medium size, weighing 4-5 kg, bright red pulp with delicate structure, juicy and sweet, the variety has excellent taste, relatively resistant to anthracnose, transportable.
Product code: 14960
1.14 €
An early variety of watermelon, high-yielding, stress-resistant, round-oval fruits, uniform in ripening and weight (9 - 13 kg), have bright red crispy flesh, with small seeds.
Product code: 14959
1.50 €
The early ripe variety differs from other berries in the color of the yellow pulp, as well as in the increased sugar content of the pulp (up to 13%), the fruits are rather large, weighing 8–11 kg, round in shape.
Product code: 14957
1.14 €
Ultra-early watermelon with concentrated ripening of fruits, forms round, striped, very uniform fruits with an average weight of 5-8 kg, the pulp is tender, red, juicy, with high taste.
Product code: 14956
1.14 €
A mid-early variety of watermelon of the Suga Baby type, round-shaped fruits, large, weighing 8-10 kg. The peel is dark green, shiny, well covered with a waxy coating, the flesh of the watermelon is dark red, juicy and crunchy, with a small amount of seed
Product code: 13431
1.14 €
Medium-early variety, 75-90 days, fruits of a round-oval-round shape, green with light green stripes, weighing 3.5-5 kg, pulp YELLOW PAINT, crispy, sweet, juicy and aromatic, with a small content of seeds ...
Product code: 13157
1.14 €
Designed for growing both in open and closed ground, the fruit is oval, large, striped, the average weight of the fruit is 11-14 kg, the pulp is bright, red, with a fine texture, high sugar content, excellent transportability and storage.
Product code: 13127
1.14 €
Early ripe variety for growing in open and protected ground, fruits of elongated-rounded shape, weighing 4-6 kg, the surface is green with subtle dark green stripes, the flesh is red, juicy, sugary, very sweet.
Product code: 13093
1.14 €
The mid-early variety, the fruit is round, aligned, the same, weighing up to 12 kg, has a solid light green peel, on which there are dark green stripes. The pulp is tender, dark red, has no veins, is very crispy and sweet.
Product code: 12908
1.14 €
The variety is mid-ripening, from germination to the beginning of fruit ripening 85 - 87 days, the fruits are round, the surface is smooth, the background color of the fruits is green, the pattern is black and green prickly stripes, the weight of the aver
Product code: 12907
1.14 €
The variety is early ripe, fruits are rounded in shape, the surface is smooth, the background color is green with light to medium color intensity, the flesh is red, tender, juicy, sweet. The weight of the average fruit is 4.0-5.0 kg.
Product code: 12906
1.14 €
The variety is medium late, fruits are rounded in shape, white in color, with barely noticeable light salad stripes, the surface is smooth, sometimes slightly segmented, the weight of the average fruit is 5.5 kg, the transportability is good.
Product code: 12680
1.14 €
Mid-season variety. Vegetation - 80-88 days. The length of the main lash 3-4 meters. The fruits are round, large, with an average weight of 4-5 kg, sometimes reaching 14-18 kg. Bark 1-1.8 cm thick, green, with dark green stripes.
Product code: 12390
1.14 €
Early ripe watermelon variety. Ripens on 70 - 80 day after emergence of shoots. The fruits are large, round, weighing 2.7-3.0 kg. The surface of the fruit is smooth, the color is black and green the pattern is slightly noticeable narrow strips with a wax.
Product code: 12240
1.14 €
The mid-early variety, the vegetative period is 70-73 days. Fruits are striped, dark green, large (weighing 10-15 kg), rounded. Fruits contain 10.0-13.0% of dry matter, 8.5-10.0% of sugars, 9.0-10.0 mg% of vitamin C.
Product code: 12114
1.14 €
The variety is medium early, perfectly tolerates drought, spherical fruits, average fruit weight 5.0-6.5 kg, red pulp, granular, tender, juicy, sweet, fruit transportability is good.
Product code: 12113
1.14 €
The variety is early ripening, from shoots to the beginning of ripening 65-67 days. Fruits are ball-shaped or blunt-elliptical, the surface is smooth, black-green, occasionally dark-green in color, with a waxy coating.
Product code: 12112
1.14 €
The variety is early ripe, the fruits are round, sometimes slightly segmented, the surface of the fruits is smooth, the pulp is bright pink, tender, juicy, sweet, the weight of the average fruit is 5.0-6.0 kg, the transportability is good.
Product code: 12065
1.14 €
This variety is mid-ripening. Highly productive, suitable for growing outdoors and under a film. Gives a high yield, even in arid conditions. The fruits are rounded, striped, with an average weight of 4-7 kg. Transportable. Flesh is bright red, sweet.
Product code: 12064
1.14 €
Medium early, long-climbing, spherical fruit, light green with wide dark green stripes, weighing 2.5-4.5 kg, flesh is carmine-red with a pink tint, grainy, tender, very juicy and sweet, characterized by good transportability.
Product code: 12063
1.14 €
Prince is another classic watermelon variety that features sweet and juicy flesh, and an attractive striated rind. Prince also tends to produce heavy yields of watermelons weighing in the 3-5kg range. A round variety.
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