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Organic Northern Catalpa Seeds (Catalpa Speciosa)
Product code: 10372
1.14 €
The Catalpa tree family is native to North America and has both a Southern Catalpa and Northern Catalpa species. We offer both species and ship the Catalpa species that will grow best in your area.
Product code: 1704
1.14 €
The Oriental Planetree is a large, rounded and handsome shade tree. The cream coloured bark is quite attractive and is exfoliating. Its ornamental bark makes it an interesting specimen in a winter garden. A popular street tree.
Product code: 6843
1.14 €
The Amur Maple is native to Northeast China and Japan. Amur maple has only started to attain popularity as a bonsai. It can be grown as a multi-stemmed clump or can be trained into a small tree with a single trunk. The tree grows about 20 to 30 feet tall.
Product code: 13582
1.14 €
Large upright shrub or small tree up to 4 m in height, leaves 5-9-palmate-lobed, initially bright red, later dark red, blooms in May, wonderful shrub for small gardens and containers.
Product code: 12439
1.14 €
An adaptable and easy-to-grow tree, flowering ash is dazzling with the fluffy white fragrant clusters of tiny blossoms in late spring or early summer and yellow and purple fall foliage. A round-canopy deciduous tree.
Product code: 10525
1.14 €
They are attractive trees with deciduous glossy pinnate leaves. Develops a smooth gray bark that resembles that of a beech tree and grows to a height of 20 metres. The leaves resemble the foliage of an ash tree and are a glossy dark green in summer.
Product code: 12436
2.00 €
Today, Empress Tree is primarily grown as an ornamental tree for its large leaves and beautiful purple blooms that show in spring and early summer.
Product code: 12435
1.14 €
The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. It is noted for attracting wildlife. The bark is pale grey-brown and irregularly ridged, with characteristic large burrs and leaf shoots at the base of the tree.
Product code: 10373
1.14 €
A beautiful, medium-sized, deciduous tree rarely taller than 10 m, native to China. It forms a stocky trunk that holds a broad crown with large, shallowly lobed, light green leaves. The beautiful, yellowish white flowers are held in large clusters.
Product code: 10371
1.14 €
The Catalpa has the distinction of bearing some of the showiest flowers of all the American native trees. Its value in this respect has long been recognised and it holds an assured place in the parks and gardens of all temperate countries.
Product code: 5438
1.14 €
These small trees are found in North America, northern Asia, and in Europe, generally in forested and mountainous areas. The berries have a crown, this is important because no berry that has a crown is known to be poisonous.
Product code: 6525
1.50 €
Honeylocust is a fast growing deciduous flowering tree which is very tolerant of alkaline soils, salty soils and urban conditions. Young specimens can put on 2 to 3 feet of growth per year. Honeylocust usually obtains a height of 40 to 80 feet.
Product code: 6838
1.14 €
Amur cork tree, called Huang Bai in China, is commonly used in Chinese herbalism, where it is considered to be one of the 50 fundamental herbs, but one that should be used with care.
Product code: 4308
1.14 €
Native to most of Europe except for the far south, and northern Asia this tough small to medium-sized tree is very tolerant of cold and exposure and is often found at high altitude on mountains-in the UK it occurs at up to 1 000m altitude.
Product code: 4307
1.14 €
The Swedish whitebeam is a sturdy mid-sized tree reaching about 10m, with a broad round crown. It grows naturally along the coasts of the Baltic Sea, and sparsely in the south-west archipelago.
Product code: 4302
1.39 €
The Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) is definitely a tree to plant for the long term. The allure of a tree with tulip-like flowers is strong; even though it can take 20 years before the large green and orange tulip-shaped flowers.
Product code: 3693
1.14 €
Organic Common hornbeam (Carpinus Betulus) A very hardy tree, at first glance similar looking to Green Beech but tolerates poor soils better than beech. Although it prefers a deep open loam including chalk it is also suitable for heavy wet soils.
Product code: 1669
1.14 €
Brilliant and cheerful strings of yellow flowers drape down from the branches of the golden chaintree in late spring. It is a delightful, spreading small deciduous tree from southern Europe (France to Croatia). In spring the newly emerging leaves are hair
Product code: 1643
1.39 €
Japanese Pagoda Tree, Sophora japonica, is a spectacular late summer flowering tree. Also known as Chinese Scholar Tree, the Pagodatree is held in high regard throughout its native Asian range for its beautiful summer flowers.
Product code: 837
1.14 €
With plenty to recommend it, Sea Buckthorn is widely used for healing in Asia and Europe, where it is valued as a potent anti-oxidant, a source for Vitamin C and a healing oil. The attractive small tree or shrub, also called Seaberry.
Product code: 1681
1.14 €
Hawthorn is extensively planted as a hedge plant, especially for agricultural use. Its long, sharp spines and close branching habit render it effectively stock and human proof with regular annual maintenance.
Product code: 1628
1.14 €
Tree of Heaven seeds are relatively easy to germinate and grow. The dormancy within the seed is short and easily broken. The seeds first need to be soaked in water for between 48-72 hours. The water should then be fully drained and the seeds mixed.
Product code: 12472
1.14 €
This excellent deciduous shade tree is well suited to relatively large areas such as parks and playgrounds and is often used in street and boulevard plantings and the fall color can be quite spectacular.
Product code: 1707
1.14 €
It is best known for its colorful spring flowers of red, white, pink or multi. It produces apple-shaped fruit that are a golden-yellow color containing red-brown seeds. The fruit is edible but not as well known for its jelly and pie.
Product code: 1626
3.00 €
Persian Silk Tree (Albizia julibrissin) Deciduous. Zones 6-9. What a lovely and unusual tree! Averaging 30 feet in height, the Persian Silk Tree has deep green, fern-like leaves and incredibly exotic, pink, feathery flowers.
Product code: 7951
1.14 €
A tree up to 12 m high, with a wide crown and a trunk with a diameter of up to 35 cm, the bark is thick, dark brown, smooth, shoots, leaf stems, inflorescence axis, pedicels and calyxes are sticky with glandular pubescence.
Product code: 2874
1.14 €
The Heart Nut tree is named for the shape of the nut - a flattened heart-shaped nut that easily splits into two halves, like two sides of a locket. Native to Japan, it is also known as Japanese Walnut, but it is well suited to our Northern climates.
Product code: 12427
1.14 €
Deciduous tree, tall (up to 20-25 meters) trunk reaches 1 meter in diameter, spreading, sparsely branched crown, one of the very winter-hardy representatives of the nut family, which is of economic value.
«Relic» - Ginkgo Seeds (Ginkgo biloba) SALE
Product code: 2616
2.25 €
3.00 € (Sale: 25%)
This wonderful, ancient tree from China dates back at least 200 million years. Its distinctive, fan-shaped, bright green leaves turn bright gold when a warm autumn follows a warm summer. Mature male trees have thick, yellow catkins in late spring.
Organic Saucer Magnolia Seeds (Magnolia × Soulangeana) SALE
Product code: 3682
1.11 €
1.39 € (Sale: 20%)
This widely planted ornamental tree is a hybrid of two Chinese magnolias, the Yulan Magnolia and the Lily Magnolia. The bark is smooth and light gray. The Saucer Magnolia originated by chance in 1820, as an accidental seedling in a French garden.
Firethorn Seeds (Pyracantha Coccinea) SALE
Product code: 1687
0.68 €
1.14 € (Sale: 40%)
The tree has small white flowers. It produces small, bright red berries. The fruit is bitter and astringent, making it inedible when raw. The fruit can be cooked to make jellies, jams, sauces and marmalade. It ranges from southern Europe to western Asia.
Product code: 13588
1.14 €
Decorative, with long-term abundant flowering for more than 2-3 weeks, vigorous liana. Widely used for landscaping terraces, arches, a bright addition to landscape compositions.
Product code: 13586
1.14 €
Perennial, but more often grown as an annual or two-year liana, reaching a length of 8-10 meters, the leaves are thick, semi-succulent, have a mild taste, light aroma and slimy texture.
Product code: 12552
1.14 €
Stunning, golden-yellow foliage that looks extremely vibrant with the sun shining through it. Unlike most yellow leaved plants, rather than getting darker and greener as the season goes on, this one gets yellower and brighter right up to the autumn.
Product code: 12453
1.14 €
Attractive leaves with creamy-white margins turn orange in autumn, with small clusters of red-tinged, yellow flowers appearing in spring. It is a handsome, round-headed tree and makes an excellent specimen for medium-sized gardens and grows well.
Product code: 12452
1.14 €
Sycamores are wonderfully hardy and robust trees, growing in places that would stunt most others. They were introduced to Britain from Europe during the Middle Ages, then spread rapidly and colonised new areas.
Product code: 12433
3.00 €
It is a large deciduous tree , growing up to 35 meters tall (exceptionally to 47 m), with a trunk up to 1 m diameter. The leaves are 15-30 cm long, pinnate, with 7-11 leaflets, each leaflet lanceolate, 7-13 cm long.
Product code: 12432
3.00 €
Carya laciniosa (Kingnut Hickory / Shellbark Hickory) is a slow-growing tree from the Walnut Family. Shellbark Hickory enjoys partial to full sun and moist conditions in deep loam or silt soils.
Product code: 12431
3.00 €
Hickories are related to walnuts and have similar growing requirements. They prefer full sun to partial shade and grow best in soil that is deep, fertile, and moist but well-drained. Shagbark hickories produce a long taproot.
Product code: 12430
1.14 €
Native to the eastern and central regions of North America. Bur oak is a long-lived, large deciduous tree with a massive trunk and furrowed bark. It is an attractive and resilient ornamental tree which grows well in cities.
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