Product code: 10751
10.99 €
Organic Heirloom Variety Seeds. 100% Heirloom, Natural & Non-GMO Strains Grown in the Ukraine. Brand оf this year Stock. Open Pollinated with Very High Germination Rate.
26.21 €
29.15 € (Sale: 10%)
Patriotic set of flower and vegetable seeds. Income for support Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Product code: 15406
12.99 €
20 packs of vegetable seeds suitable for growing in northern climates in one set.
Product code: 12928
9.99 €
The set includes seeds of the best and popular varieties of vegetables with different ripening periods; all vegetables have high yields and great taste.
Product code: 15939
1.14 €
Carrots with a growing season of 95-105 days allow planting and harvesting twice a season; the fruits are universal in use: tasty when fresh, provide healthy juice, and retain their density when cooked.
Product code: 24
1.14 €
An early ripe variety, 85-100 days, recommended for obtaining early bunched products, bunched ripeness occurs 45-50 days after germination, the root crop is cut-conical in shape.
Product code: 1043
1.14 €
Mid-late variety, growing season 120-140 days, large root crop, cylindrical-cone-shaped with a blunt tip, up to 25 cm long, weighing up to 140 grams, completely immersed in the soil.
Product code: 13776
1.14 €
Mid-ripening variety, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 110-115 days, the root crops are small, cylindrical-cone-shaped with a blunt tip, 16-18 cm long, weighing 90-150 grams, red-orange in color.
Product code: 15836
1.14 €
A late variety of carrots, the growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 135 days, the shape of the fruit is conical, the weight of the fruit is 140-170 grams, the variety is well stored, used fresh and for processing.
Product code: 5386
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, cylindrical root with a blunt tip, weighing 150-200 grams, bright orange, juicy, sweet, 12-15 cm long.
Product code: 15496
0.91 €
Late-ripening variety, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 120-140 days, root crops are large, cylindrical, blunt, 20-25 cm long, weighing 200-250 grams, red-orange in color. Income for support Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Product code: 15495
0.91 €
Late-ripening variety, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 120-140 days, root crops are large, cylindrical, blunt, 20-25 cm long, weighing 200-250 grams, red-orange in color. Income for support Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Product code: 13440
1.14 €
A frost-drought-resistant, unpretentious plant, which, due to its very high insulin content, is an indispensable dietary product, especially for diabetics, scorzoner can grow in one place for 5-7 years.
Product code: 12746
1.14 €
Late ripe carrots, root crops are even, cylindrical, reaching a length of up to 19 cm, the flesh is orange-red, root crops weighing 220-250 grams, juicy, sweet, of excellent taste.
Product code: 12725
1.14 €
One of the best mid-ripening varieties of carrots of foreign selection, the root crops are conical, bright, smooth, the core is small, orange, the fruit length is 16 -20 cm, weight 110 -200 grams, the pulp is juicy, sweet, it is stored very well.
Product code: 12724
1.14 €
A very early variety of table carrots of a cylindrical shape, medium-length fruits of a bright orange color, the pulp is juicy, sweet, the core is small, the variety is widely used for early commercial production and processing.
Product code: 12140
1.14 €
Late-ripening variety, conical root crop, pointed, 18-20 cm long, weighing 90-120 grams, dark orange color, good taste, the pulp is juicy, tender and dense.
Product code: 12139
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, elongated cone-shaped root crop, weighing up to 70-150 grams, intense red-orange color, juicy, sweet, 15-25 cm long, one of the best table varieties.
Product code: 12138
1.14 €
A popular and reliable variety producing splendid, long roots up to 30cm (12") long, with a deep rich red colour inside. Carrot 'Autumn King' is best harvested as a maincrop in September/October.
Product code: 12137
1.14 €
Middle-late variety. Vegetation period is about 140-160 days. Forms aligned root crops of cylindrical shape, intense orange color, 25-30 cm long and weighing up to 200 grams. The flesh is extremely juicy, crunchy. Contains a large amount of carotene.
Product code: 12136
1.14 €
This late-ripening variety, until technical ripeness of 130-150 days. High-yielding. Roots are bright orange-red, large, conical, long 22-24 centimeters. Pulp is sweet, crunchy, juicy. Characterized by increased content of carotene. Well preserved.
Product code: 12135
1.14 €
Late ripening variety. Vegetation period from shoots to technical ripeness 150-160 days. Roots are large, aligned, conical with a blunt tip, 17-25 cm long, 5-6 cm in diameter, weighing 100-150 grams. The pulp is delicious, dark orange, without a core.
Product code: 12134
1.14 €
Flakkee has long, thick roots. The colour and flavour is excellent and has good storage quality. The roots will remain good in the ground for a long time withoit spoiling. Excellent for storgae, the roots are up to 28 cm long.
Product code: 12133
1.14 €
This is a late-ripening variety. Vegetation period from shoots to ripeness 120-130 days. Roots are lined, large, 25-30 cm long, weighing 100-200 grams, do not crack. The variety has a genetic ability to absorb the minimum amount of nitrates.
Product code: 12132
1.14 €
This is a late ripening variety. The vegetation is 150-160 days. Root crops are large, leveled, conical in shape with a blunt tip, 17-25 cm long, 5-6 cm in diameter, weighing 100-150 grams. The flesh is delicious, dark orange, without a core.
Product code: 12131
1.14 €
Medium late variety, root crops, large, even, dark orange in color, 20-25cm long, 4-7cm in diameter, weighing 150-200 grams, excellent taste, the variety is valued for its high content of carotene and vitamins.
Product code: 11957
1.14 €
Solar Yellow Carrot Seeds are perfect example of why some heirlooms stand the test of time - Solar Yellow Carrots provide everything you want in a carrot - refreshingly sweet flavor, extra crunchy, juicy, and completely yellow.
Product code: 11919
1.14 €
This is a mid-ripening variety. The period from shoots to harvesting 120 days. Root crops are cylindrical, smooth, with excellent internal and external coloring. Root length is 20-22 cm. Recommended for fresh consumption and storage.
Product code: 11918
1.14 €
High-yielding, mid-ripening variety (to harvesting 95-110 days). One of the best varieties with high content of carotene and sugars, is indispensable in dietary and children's nutrition. Root crops are cylindrical, blunt, up to 20 cm long, red.
Product code: 11917
1.14 €
Late ripening variety. Vegetation period from shoots to technical ripeness 120-130 days. Roots are lined, cone-shaped, red-orange in color, 20-25 cm long, up to 100-150 grams, excellent taste qualities.
Product code: 11916
1.14 €
Early ripening variety of carrots. The vegetative period from shoots to bundle ripeness is 50-55 days, until technical ripeness is 70-85 days. Roots of conical shape, lined, length 14-15cm. The color of the pulp and core is intense orange.
Product code: 11915
1.14 €
Mid-ripening variety. Vegetation period to ripeness is 100-110 days. The root is conical, blunt, 14-15 cm long, weighing 150-250 grams, completely immersed in soil. Flesh and core of orange color. The variety is resistant to arming.
Product code: 11554
1.14 €
Amsterdam is a high quality variety which produces uniform, cylindrical, blunt tipped baby carrots with a rich deep orange red colour and almost no core. The small, slender, finger shaped carrots are usually 13 to 15 cm (5 to 6in) long.
1.14 €
Early ripening, high-yielding variety. Before ripeness 65-85 days. Root is orange-red, cylindrical with a blunt end, smooth, juicy, 16 cm long, up to 80-130 grams. Excellent taste. The best for obtaining early products.
Product code: 10021
1.14 €
This is a mid-ripening variety. Vegetation period is 100-110 days. The root is conical, blunt, 14-15 cm long, up 150-250 grams, completely immersed in soil. Coloring of the surface, flesh and core of orange color.
Product code: 9546
1.14 €
A strong-tasting carrot with excellent uniformity, good skin finish and bright colour. For the second time in a row, Romance was awarded the 'Best tasting carrot' at the yearly field day of the British Carrot Grower Association.
Product code: 6809
1.14 €
Mid-ripening variety. Before ripeness - 100-110 days. The root is cylindrical, with an obtuse end, 10-18 in length, 2.5-4.5 cm in diameter, weighing 142-150 grams, completely immersed in the soil. The rind is intensely orange. The roots are rounded.
Product code: 521
1.39 €
Typical winter vegetable and from time immemorial often cultivated as an alternative for asparagus. A fine vegetable with long, truncated roots with a deep black skin. Duplex is known for its resistance to running to seed.
Product code: 1039
1.14 €
Coral is a slow bolting chantenay type carrot, 18 cm long, 6.3 cm in diameter and 120 gram in weight. Carrot is vivid reddish-orange in color and has small and dark colored core with excellent eating quality.