Home Novelties of heirloom seeds for the Second week of January 2019 - 15 January 2019

Novelties of heirloom seeds for the Second week of January 2019

The assortment of goods of our store has been replenished, - novelties of heirloom seeds. All the seeds before packaging are tested for germination and variety, so you can be sure that the plant that is mentioned in the description will grow.
Castor oil plant can reach a height of 1-2 metres. Gives a tropical feel to any garden. The glossy leaves are 15–45 cm long, long-stalked, alternate and palmate with 5-12 deep lobes with coarsely- toothed segments.
The fruits are ready to harvest when the skin turns bright rosy red on the bottom, shoulders are indigo shaded and the fruit is soft to the touch. Produces an avalanche of cherry size, amethyst colored clusters.
Mid-season semi-determinant variety. The fruits are oval, shape and taste similar to dates, yellow in color, collected in large, lush clusters. The average weight of tomatoes - 20 grams. Fruits are stored for a long time. Productive variety.
An ultra-compact, dwarf variety that is bred to thrive on windowsills, decks and in patio containers. Strongly branched plants produce masses of sweet fruits over a long season for continuous harvests. Vines will reach 12 to 14" staked.
Pennisetum glaucum. With its cousins Purple Majesty and Jade Princess, Copper Prince Millet is the very picture of ornamental grass. The golden green foliage darkens at the points most exposed to the sun, becoming more mahogany in tone.
American basswood is a stately, wide-spreading tree, 60-80 ft. tall, occasionally growing taller. Conical in its younger form, the crown becomes rounded with age. Broadly oval leaves sometimes change to yellow in fall but often turn brown.
Basically a Pink, it has a full complex flavor with that wonderful sweet finish that we all love. When other popular variety names are going down with the bad summer heat, this one is still there setting fruit.
Our first release of a new line of cherry tomatoes, UBX is a small, dark gold tomato with unusually high sugar levels. The flavor is out of this world. Field-grown fruit is averaging 11.5 % soluble solids by midseason.
Short plants suitable for growing in containers also, produced round and slightly oblate fruits, that displayed nice antho on their top side. On the blossom end they were a beautiful red and yellowish striping.
Meaty, yellow-orange beefsteak tomatoes with red marbling with a gush of wonderful sweet, well-balanced tomato flavors that hold a distinct hint of mild, peach flavors. A good salad tomato or sliced thick in sandwiches.
Dark Shadow is one of the most handsome of the blue tomatoes. Indeterminate, regular leaf, medium-sized plants produce medium-sized fruits that are shaped like a fat torpedo with true, tangy tomato flavors like others of its family.
Tiny antho, cherry fruits, are so uniquely colored that they always turn heads. In addition, they are perfect little pear shaped things. Bottom ends are a mix of green, orange and some antho striping that is like a work of art. Blue Keys taste good too!
A big-fruit variety with record-breaking fruits can reach over 2 kg when cultivated properly. Strong rooted, vigorous plants require fertile ground and are productive until the end of season. Its huge fruits have colorful flesh and excellent sweet taste.
This is an heirloom from Carol Chyko’s family in Hazleton, PA. The seeds were first introduced by Bill Ellis in 1988. The plants produce plenty of blocky red hearts in the 10-16 oz. range.
A new and colorful tomato, with plump, red, 6 ounce fruits having a wild pattern of orange stripes and speckles. White freckling as an added touch to this very tasty, one of a kind variety. Full Flavored. Very nice flavor too!
Indeterminate, mid-late, very productive variety of Tom Wagner. The height up to 1.8 meters. The fruits are round, almost black with dark green shoulders, excellent taste, weighing up to 130 g.
“Cherriots of Fire” is probably the most beautiful cherry you have ever grown, as slightly flattened buttons with stripes evident at first, then blending in somewhat with the deepening color. The whole little fruit takes on a pearly sheen.
If you are wanting to try something different in your garden, Chestnut Chocolate tomato may be the way for you to go. Tall vines produce tons of anthocyanin tomatoes that are dark on the top and chocolate colored in their bottom end.
A big-fruit heirloom tomato from Portugal. Indeterminate, vigorous plants have long growing season. Great-tasting, fleshy fruits with complex sweet taste and excellent aroma grow over 400-500 g.
Dwarf plant. Yellow fruits with some red stripes. Interiors are light yellow with some red continuing throughout. May throw potato leaf or regular leaf vines. Great production and excellent taste; sweet and fruity.
Italian heirloom, translated from French the name means ‘Ten fingers of Naples’. Oblong red paste tomato from 50 to 100 grams. Meaty with few juice and seeds. Very good balanced taste, mild sweet vs sour.
This beauty is a creation of breeder Blane Horton. A dwarf plant that grows to about 3ft. It’s perfect for grow bags or large containers on balcony or patio. Very juicy. It has a nice balance of tomato taste and sweet.

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Added by: Alex Gardener - The use of material is possible only with an active link to the source - © 2025 ORGANICseeds.TOP
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