How to Make a Container Garden

How to Make a Container Garden...

Container gardening is perfect for those in urban areas and for anyone wanting to garden with ease. By planting a container garden with mint and ...
16 Tips to Get an Organic Vegetable Garden

16 Tips to Get an Organic Vegeta...

The benefits of being able to go in your backyard and grab all the produce you need for a hearty salad or a homemade pizza is not only convenient...
Pokeberry – Phytolacca Americana

Pokeberry – Phytolacca Americana...

Phytolacca Americana, American nightshade, cancerroot, cancer jalap, coakum, chongras, crowberry, pokeberry, inkberry, garget, poke, pigeonberry,...
Cherry Tomato Growing Tips

Cherry Tomato Growing Tips...

Love the idea of growing tomatoes, but not sure where to start? Grab a pot and some cherry tomato seedlings. They're amazingly easy to grow, ...
Top 10 Big Tomato Growing Tips

Top 10 Big Tomato Growing Tips...

Unfortunately, there are few vegetables that are prone to more problems than tomatoes. The trick to growing great tasting tomatoes is to choose t...
Aster Plant Care - How to Grow

Aster Plant Care - How to Grow...

Only when most of the ornamental plants have already faded, the colorful white wood asters have their great appearance. On the small shrubs, nume...
Which Houseplants Are Best for Cleaning the Air?

Which Houseplants Are Best for C...

Adding a touch of green to your home with houseplants can do more than brighten your indoor space. All plants remove carbon dioxide from their en...
Container Gardening

Container Gardening...

More and more people are learning about the benefits of gardening in a container. With an apartment balcony, courtyard, deck or front porch, it i...
Monarda for Butterflies

Monarda for Butterflies...

Make a great addition to your herb garden or flower border and grow Bee Balm! This perennial has many attractive features that might catch your a...
Catnip Plant, Nepeta cataria – How to Grow and Care

Catnip Plant, Nepeta cataria – H...

Catnip is bringing into your garden and balcony a fresh ravishing scent-oasis which its lemony smell charming the senses. Furthermore, Catnip bel...
Growing Fernleaf Dill

Growing Fernleaf Dill...

In addition to providing aromatic seeds and foliage, dill will brighten your garden with its yellow-green flowers in spring and fall. While typic...
Growing Mustard Greens

Growing Mustard Greens...

Mustard greens are fast growing, nutritious leafy greens. They’re perfect for gardens and containers in both spring and fall. Although not ...
How To Grow And Care For A Serviceberry Tree

How To Grow And Care For A Servi...

With a serviceberry tree (Amelanchier) in your garden, expect three full seasons of beauty and delight. Also known as shadbush, shadwood or shadb...
Coffee Plant Care

Coffee Plant Care...

The coffee plant coffea arabica is a rather rare sight inside your own place. Generally, coffee is known ground or as roasted beans. One usually ...
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