«Orange» - Organic Ipomoea Seeds
1.14 €
It stands out effectively among other varieties of herbal vines, attracting with a mass of bright orange miniature tubular flowers and dark green foliage.
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Product code: 1284
1.14 €
Growing Salvia seed is so rewarding. The butterflies and hummingbirds will love your garden when you grow these beauties! Blue Victory Salvia plants are heavy blooming, compact and give a spectacular display of color.
Product code: 2316
1.14 €
It is a species of cotton native to the semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa and Arabia where it still grows in the wild as a perennial shrub. It likes a long, hot growing season to produce the best cotton fibers.
Product code: 11055
1.14 €
This aromatic herb got its name from its common use in St. Patrick’s Day celebrations but is native to Turkey, Syria and the Caucasus. The plant made its way to Europe from Syria in 1570 and found its way to the Americas in the Victorian era.
Product code: 12709
1.14 €
An annual plant with upright stems up to 20 cm tall, inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter, red-brown in color with bright yellow spots.