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Set of Seeds «Seeds of Victory» - 31 packets
Product code: 15511
26.21 €
29.15 € (Sale: 10%)
Patriotic set of flower and vegetable seeds. Income for support Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Product code: 15406
12.99 €
20 packs of vegetable seeds suitable for growing in northern climates in one set.
Set of vegetable seeds «Gardener’s Dream» - 15 packets NEW
Product code: 12928
9.99 €
The set includes seeds of the best and popular varieties of vegetables with different ripening periods; all vegetables have high yields and great taste.
Product code: 12830
5.99 €
10 bags of green seeds in one set.
Product code: 8863
1.14 €
Pure white, 8” half-long shaped root vegetable with a mild parsley flavor. Roots are broad at shoulders, tapering to a point. Very aromatic and great in soups or roasted in the oven. Hilmar really shines as a winter vegetable.
«Triplex» - Organic Parsley Seeds NEW
Product code: 1089
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, 70-80 days, corrugated leaves, large, dark green in color, juicy and aromatic, have an attractive appearance, valued for the rapid regrowth of green mass after cutting.
«Stephania» - Organic Parsley Seeds Income for support AFU
Product code: 15502
0.91 €
This is a mid-season leaf variety, the growing season is 65-75 days, the first harvesting of greenery is carried out when the leaves reach a height of 10-12 cm, subsequent cuts are made after 30-35 days. Income for support Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Product code: 15206
1.14 €
An early, all-season variety of leaf parsley for obtaining green products, which has a high ability to grow back after cutting, which makes it possible to obtain 5-6 cuts of marketable products per season.
Product code: 7260
1.14 €
Specially developed for use as fresh seasoning, this flat-leaf parlsey offers large, bright green leaves on compact plants. Far more nutritious than its curly-leafed cousin, flat-leaf parsley is easy to grow.
Product code: 2713
1.14 €
High-yielding early varieties of all-season parsley to produce green products throughout the season. The leaves are smooth, intensely green with a strong aroma, quickly grows after cutting. During the season, you can get 5-6 slices of marketable products.
Product code: 4797
1.14 €
Flat leaf parsley. Smaller leaves and plants than Gigante di Napoli. Flavor may be a bit more intense than Napoli. Start from seed or transplants. 75-80 days from seed, 50 or so from transplants. For transplants, start 3-5 seeds per cell 8 weeks.
Product code: 5217
1.14 €
An early ripe variety, has a very large leaf rosette, the leaves are tender, dark green in color, juicy, the average weight of one plant is 95-120 grams.
Product code: 5416
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, well-developed rosette, with 40-85 leaves, leaves are green, dissected, very fragrant, grow back well after cutting and in early spring in the second year after overwintering plants.
Product code: 12163
1.14 €
The cultivar is recommended for autumn and winter crops; it is resistant to diseases and seed stem formation. It is useful for storing and can overwinter in the soil. The root is approx. 20 cm long, shaped like an elongated cone, the bark is white.
Product code: 12162
1.14 €
Hamburg Rooted parsley has a slightly different use than other parsley varieties! This old fashioned heirloom variety produces fleshy parsnip-like roots up to 10 inches long that are cooked as a vegetable!
Product code: 10906
1.14 €
A sort of leafy, reliable, highly productive parsley, characterized by very strong energy of growth, large leaf size, pleasant real smell and exquisite parsley taste, the intense green color persists throughout the period of growth.
Product code: 10024
1.14 €
Parsley has a long and colorful history, being well known in many cultures. Myths and legends abound concerning this herb, making it the symbol of such widely varying things as death, victory, and life.
Product code: 9891
1.14 €
Mid-ripening (80-85 days from shoots to technical ripeness) grade. The socket is well developed, with 40-85 leaves. The leaves are green, cut, very fragrant, perfectly grow after cutting and early spring for the second year after wintering of plants.
Product code: 10218
1.14 €
This standard parsley – also sometimes called Moss Curled Parsley is an extremely dark green parsley that is an excellent garnish for just about any dish. Plant Curled Parsley seeds in either full sun or partial shade. Curled parsely is a fast-grower.
Product code: 10238
1.14 €
Becoming increasingly popular, the rich green leaves of this tall-growing, flat-leaved parsley are useful for adding (usually at the last minute) to many dishes. Renowned for having a better flavour than the curled parsley.
Product code: 8862
1.14 €
Forms a large leaf outlet (50 cm or more) with a large number of corrugated leaves. Forms early and high yield of leaves. It is recommended to use green fresh, for drying and canning. It is photophilous, but it grows well in semi-dark places.
Product code: 2364
1.14 €
This is a medium-sized leaf variety. Vegetation period from shoots to technical ripeness is 65-75 days. The first harvesting of greens is carried out when leaves reach a height of 15-20 cm, subsequent cuts are made after 30-35 days.
Product code: 5414
1.14 €
A popular early ripening variety of parsley. Rosette large, with a lot of fragrant, dark green leaves. The variety is cold-resistant and winter-hardy, suitable for freezing. Used for seasonings in fresh and dried form.