Product code: 12721
1.94 €
A beautiful and productive plant with dark leaves, early, from planting to ripening 80-90 days, the fruits at the beginning are dark purple, then turn into green and brown, and when fully ripened, they are dark red, lilac flowers.
Product code: 11914
1.78 €
Maturity - 115-120 days, the fruit is flat-round, segmented, orange in color, the flesh is thick, yellow, rather sweet, it is distinguished by the keeping quality of the fruit, it is advisable to store it in a dark place. Reaches a weight of 35 to 50 kg.
Product code: 13670
1.14 €
An early ripe jalapeno variety with aromatic and thick fruits, red fruits with white cracks, bush height 40 - 50 cm, this variety is good for grilling, pickling, preserving, making sauces and eating fresh.
Product code: 15670
1.14 €
The bush is compact, small diamond-shaped fruits, with fleshy walls, juicy, sweet, noticeable but mild warming spiciness, good fruity taste and the aroma of Chinese pepper are suitable for those who do not like extreme heat.
Product code: 15144
1.14 €
An annual plant, a liana up to 3 meters, flowers of various colors, used for planting balconies and arbors, used for planting balconies and arbors.
Product code: 1556
1.14 €
An upright columnar evergreen for home landscape use, featuring dense deep green foliage all year long; eventually grows quite tall, excellent for vertical emphasis, hardy and adaptable, takes pruning well.
4.00 €
5.00 € (Sale: 20%)
An early ripening variety, the vegetation period is 80-90 days, the leaves are dark purple, elongated, with an average length of about 8-10 cm, one of the most beautiful peppers, the taste of the fruit has a hint of nuttiness.
Product code: 16029
1.70 €
Native to the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago, this hot pepper is a rare and exotic member of the Trinidad Scorpion pepper family, known for its extreme heat and unique coloration.
4.00 €
5.00 € (Sale: 20%)
A chilli pepper variety from Butch Taylor, obtained by crossing Trinidad Scorpion Butch T x Carolina Reaper, the fruits are wrinkled, red, with an intense aroma of tropical fruits, bush height 60 cm, for making very hot sauces, drying.
4.00 €
5.00 € (Sale: 20%)
The bush is 80 cm high, the yield is high, the fruits are beautifully shaped, similar to flowers, bright yellow, the taste of the pepper is sweet and fruity, the fruits of this variety are used to prepare hot sauces, salsa and other seasonings.
Product code: 16024
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, bush is tall 50-60 cm, good yield, fruits are long, wavy and thin 18-25 cm, rich chocolate color, the taste is soft, sweet, spicy with an excellent fruity-smoky aroma.
Product code: 15999
1.14 €
Mid-early, indeterminate variety, bush height 1.6 m, productive and tasty tomato with oily and dense pulp, heart-shaped fruits with a nose, lemon-yellow color, weighing 150-400 grams.
Product code: 16013
1.14 €
Mid-early, determinate, low-growing variety, the shape of the fruit is elongated plum-shaped, brick-red with olive stripes, weight 50-100 grams, the taste is sweet with sourness, thick walls, fleshy, when ripening the fruit requires garter and support.
Product code: 13126
1.14 €
An early ripe variety with good taste, the average weight is from 8 to 10 kg, the fruits are round-cuboid, the roots are strong, the leaves are impressive in size, it is unpretentious, high productivity, excellent transportability.
Product code: 15955
1.14 €
An early ripening variety that begins to bear fruit 86-98 days after germination, forms bush-shaped plants with short, strong vines, two to three fruits weighing 4-6 kg ripen on each bush, the bark is thin and hard.
Product code: 12245
1.50 €
2.00 € (Sale: 25%)
Dewberries are similar to blackberries, except they are larger and milder, ripen 7-10 days earlier, and grow on a vine rather than a bush. Large 1" by 1 1/2" glossy, blue-black berries are sweet and delicious. 2-year-old plants are shipped.
Product code: 15342
2.00 €
The variety is self-fertile, mid-season, the bush is slightly spreading, but quite powerful, reaches up to 1.5 m in height, the main advantage of this variety is large yellowish-green spherical, weighing 13-15 cm, heavily pubescent berries with red dots.
Product code: 9820
1.87 €
The commercial success of the plant is explained by a large number of advantages, including: the absence of thorns, large fruit size, productivity, pleasant taste, high resistance to diseases and pests, beautiful flowering.
Product code: 3695
1.14 €
The berries are collected in multi-berry clusters, beautiful, black, shiny, very large - up to 25 grams, round or rounded-elongated, oval, black with a glossy sheen, excellent sweet taste and delicate sourness.
Product code: 13968
1.14 €
Early variety, 65-70 days, fruit weight up to 2 kg, one of the most delicious varieties, sugar content up to 12%, very good transportability.
Product code: 11785
1.14 €
A mid-early variety, the period from full germination to the first harvest of fruits is 75-85 days, the fruits are round, weighing 2-4 kg, the pulp is very tasty, tender, fabulously sweet and aromatic, due to the increased sugar content.
Product code: 11789
1.14 €
Mid-season variety (90-95 days from germination to fruit ripening), intended for cultivation in open and protected ground, fruits are round-oval, weighing 1.5-1.7 kg, orange pulp, tender, very sweet and juicy, with a pleasant aroma.
Product code: 14952
1.14 €
Mid-late variety, short oval fruit with an average weight of 2.2 kg, golden-orange, white flesh with a pink tinge, juicy, sweet, very fragrant, has a high stable yield.
Product code: 15020
1.14 €
Decorative lagenaria with a beautiful and hard shell, the fruits have an average diameter of 25 cm, a beautiful round shape and a flat bottom, the thick shell is suitable for wood carving, can be used for storing tobacco, medicinal herbs.
Product code: 15819
1.14 €
A mid-late bee-pollinated variety of Ukrainian selection, the fruits are cylindrical, 9-10 cm long, almost without tubercles, high taste, ideal for making lightly salted cucumbers, suitable for pickling.
6.10 €
The cap is fleshy, convex or funnel-shaped, white-cream, with cracked edges, the flesh is thick and dense, white or cream-colored, white or cream-colored, the stem is stocky, it produces an antibiotic active against tuberculosis bacillus.
6.10 €
Hat: 8-12 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped, with a rolled edge, white, covered with brown or almost black scales. Records: narrow, descending along the stem, whitish or cream.
6.10 €
A genus of marsupials with underground tuberous fleshy fruiting bodies, considered valuable delicacies, in the form of irregular tubers, usually 2-12 cm in size and weighing 30-300 grams, the surface is uneven, covered with a thin velvety skin.
6.10 €
A genus of marsupials with underground tuberous fleshy fruiting bodies, considered valuable delicacies, in the form of irregular tubers, usually 2-12 cm in size and weighing 30-300 grams, the surface is uneven, covered with a thin velvety skin.
Product code: 1140
1.14 €
Mid-early variety, 90 days, bulbs of elongated oval shape, medium size, weighing 90-130g, medium-sharp taste, pink-red color.
Product code: 5149
1.14 €
Perennial plant, climbing stems, up to 3 m long, flowers bell-shaped, drooping, golden yellow, 3-10 cm in diameter.
Product code: 12380
1.14 €
A cold-resistant plant, a compact, branched bush, 40-60 cm high, with numerous double flowers, 1.5-3 cm in diameter, the inflorescences consist of white reed petals around a yellow center.
Product code: 645
1.14 €
An annual plant, erect, branched stems, 50-60 cm high, single basket-like inflorescences, white, pink and purple in color, 3-4 cm in diameter.
Product code: 1089
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, 70-80 days, corrugated leaves, large, dark green in color, juicy and aromatic, have an attractive appearance, valued for the rapid regrowth of green mass after cutting.
Product code: 1455
1.14 €
An annual plant, 50-120cm high, large flowers, 3-5cm in diameter, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. The colors of the flowers are varied: white, pink, red, blue, indigo and violet.
Product code: 15908
1.14 €
Low-growing, mid-ripening, very productive variety, excellent, marketable, red fruits of round or round-flat shape, weighing 80-200 grams, shelf-stable, not rotting or cracking, very dense, but still juicy, tasty, with a very pleasant aroma.
Product code: 622
1.14 €
An annual plant with creeping side stems, 60-90 cm long, funnel-shaped flowers, 7-9 cm in diameter, of various bright colors.
Product code: 1488
1.14 €
An annual plant, pyramidal bushes, 60-80 cm high, flowers of various bright colors, irregular shapes, collected in racemes.
Product code: 1301
1.14 €
An annual plant, a columnar bush, 50-70 cm high, slightly leafy flower stalks, 35-50 cm long, double inflorescences, 8-12 cm in diameter, red.
Product code: 1131
1.14 €
Mid-ripening variety, 35-40 days, root crops are large, long-cylindrical, red-crimson in color, weighing 60-80 grams, length 12-13 cm, diameter 3-4 cm.