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«Emerald» - Organic Amaranth Seeds NEW EXCLUSIVE
Product code: 2137
1.14 €
An annual plant, the stems are erect, powerful, 100-120 cm high, with long hanging paniculate inflorescences of pale green color, grown by sowing seeds in April for seedlings, or in May in open ground.
«Orange Emperor» - Organic Nasturtium Seeds NEW
Product code: 1495
1.14 €
An annual plant with climbing stems 120-250cm long, the flowers are beautiful, fragrant, orange-red.
«Red Emperor» - Organic Nasturtium Seeds NEW
Product code: 13082
1.14 €
An annual plant, with climbing stems 120-250 cm long, the flowers are beautiful, fragrant, colored red.
«Empress» - Organic Nasturtium seeds NEW
Product code: 608
1.14 €
An annual plant 30-50 cm high, the flowers are large, 3-4 cm in diameter, fragrant, dark red in color.
«Eldorado» - Organic Zinnia Seeds NEW
Product code: 1274
1.14 €
An annual plant, powerful, spreading bushes, erect stems, 50-80 cm high, large inflorescences, 10-15 cm in diameter, double, salmon-colored.
«Envy» - Organic Zinnia Seeds NEW
Product code: 1266
1.14 €
An annual plant, powerful, spreading bushes, erect stems, 50-80 cm high, large inflorescences, 10-15 cm in diameter, light green.
«Edward» - Organic Celery Seeds NEW
Product code: 1121
1.14 €
Early ripening variety, growing season 140 days, large, round, cream-colored root crop, weighing 350 grams, good taste.
Product code: 15901
1.14 €
An excellent French medium-climbing warty variety, not sweet in taste, baked in the oven with garlic and spices - very tasty, a worthy variety for use with meat dishes, as well as for making purees, steaming, and soups.
«Easter eggs» - Organic Radish Seeds NEW
Product code: 1996
1.14 €
A mixture of mid-early radish varieties with a rounded shape and root vegetables that come in a variety of colors: intense red, yellow, white, pink and dark purple, growing this festive mixture will give you an impressive variety of radish fruits.
«Edible flowers» - Organic Squash Seeds NEW
Product code: 15839
1.14 €
Many dishes are prepared from zucchini inflorescences; the flowers are stewed together with other vegetables, fried in batter, or even stuffed with meat or seafood; a properly prepared zucchini flower has the same taste as a zucchini fruit.
Product code: 10751
10.99 €
Organic Heirloom Variety Seeds. 100% Heirloom, Natural & Non-GMO Strains Grown in the Ukraine. Brand оf this year Stock. Open Pollinated with Very High Germination Rate.
«Enchantress» - Organic Nigella Damascena Seeds NEW
Product code: 15776
1.14 €
An early-ripening variety, it blooms from July to August, the seeds have a pleasant taste and aroma, reminiscent of the aroma of strawberries, due to their decorative properties, they can be used in floriculture to decorate lawns, flower beds.
Product code: 12442
1.14 €
A tree reaching a height of 30-40 m with a trunk diameter of 80-100 cm, a conical or irregular crown, with proper pruning, shaping, can be used to create decorative, weeping forms, and is also widely used for bonsai.
«Emerald pear» - Organic Tomato Seeds NEW
Product code: 15784
1.14 €
An indeterminate variety with a large number of shoots, the tomatoes are smooth, with soft elastic skin, weighing from 100 to 170 grams, the variety is unpretentious and can ripen even in room conditions, used for whole-fruit canning and salads.
Organic European Ash Seeds / Fraxinus excelsior NEW
Product code: 3691
1.14 €
A tree 20-30 m high, whose leaves are imparipinnate, consisting of 7-15 leaflets, the flowers are small, without a perianth, bisexual, with two stamens and a pistil with a bipartite stigma.
«Nest egg» - Organic Pumpkin Seeds NEW
Product code: 15721
1.14 €
A decorative variety of pumpkin with unusual fruits, pods that look like large goose eggs, painted white, are used in vertical gardening, on balconies, in the garden, and are an excellent addition to flower bouquets, tabletop and other compositions.
Product code: 13301
3.00 €
A highly branched tree or shrub with a wide crown, with reddish branches and heart-shaped, green leaves, at the time of flowering, completely refute the specific name of extraordinary bright beauty.
«Eagle claw» - Organic Pepper Seeds NEW
Product code: 8479
1.14 €
An early ripe variety, the period from full germination to technical ripeness is 90 days, recommended for cultivation in open ground and in film shelters, the fruits are cone-shaped, bright red, slightly curved, glossy, and have a strong peppery aroma.
«Egypos» - Organic Beetroot Seeds NEW
Product code: 4804
1.14 €
A mid-late beet variety with narrowly elliptical root crops with dark red flesh without concentric rings, weighing 250-300 grams, the variety has high taste.
«Brown Egg» - Organic Pepper Seeds NEW
Product code: 15660
1.14 €
Mid-season variety. Ripens 110 days after planting, this variety is a cross of vegetable pepper (annuum) with Chinese pepper (chinense), the bush is compact and low, 30 cm high.
«Era» - Organic Cucumber Seeds NEW
Product code: 12615
1.14 €
A mid-early, bee-pollinated variety of cucumber, the fruits are oval-cylindrical, 10-12 cm long, green, with a whitish pattern at the top of the fruit and white stripes to its middle, complex pubescence, black-spined, high taste, universal.
«Etual» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 11596
1.14 €
2.83 € (Sale: 59%)
Information about the origin of the variety is contradictory, according to some sources, it was bred in Switzerland, others claim that it is a variety of amateur Kazakhstani breeding, tomatoes are not very well known, but are gradually gaining popularity.
Product code: 15029
1.50 €
An annual or biennial herb with a highly branched outstretched up to 1 m height, the herb improves the nutrition of the liver and kidneys, has hemostatic properties, increases the activity of the ovaries, and acts on smooth muscles.
Product code: 4619
1.14 €
An annual plant up to 1 m high, opposite leaves 4-8 cm long and 3-5 cm wide, blue or purple flowers, is a natural source of antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, myricetin, quercetin and flavonols.
Product code: 13574
8.60 €
The curling stems of the dichondra liana are densely covered with leaves with a silky edge. In summer, the plant periodically blooms with nondescript, dull, barely noticeable flowers.
Product code: 15205
1.50 €
A unique, very early, super-sweet variety with excellent taste, forms strong bushes up to 80 cm high, with large green pods (6-8 flat-round beans per pod).
Product code: 15445
1.14 €
The variety type is peony-shaped, the plant is medium-sized, columnar in shape, on the plant there are 9-12 hemispherical inflorescences, consisting of wide reed flowers directed upwards and bent inward, blue in color.
Product code: 655
1.14 €
Missouri Evening Primrose has huge yellow flowers from late spring through the summer and attractive green foliage. Deep-rooted and xeric, this prairie native is a long-lived beauty. We grow an especially drought tolerant selection.
Product code: 15351
1.14 €
An annual plant with a thick powerful stem, 30-40 cm high, inflorescences-baskets with lemon-yellow petals and a black core, used in group plantings, for low cuts, balcony boxes and garden vases.
Product code: 13298
1.14 €
An annual plant up to 60 cm high, with highly branched stems, flowers are small, collected in loose inflorescences, form a lush pink cloud during flowering, they are used mainly for arranging bouquets, as well as for growing on flower beds and in flower a
Product code: 10903
1.78 €
An early ripe variety, a rounded root crop, intense red color, 3-4 cm in diameter, weighing 15-30 grams, the variety is valued for an early and harmonious yield.
Product code: 15124
3.00 €
The yew berry is also called greenwood or mahogany, it is a coniferous tree from the Yew family, the yew berry is quite attractive, has an unusual pyramidal crown, the main feature of the plant is its lifespan.
Product code: 15011
1.50 €
Early ripe variety, compact bush, height 60-70cm, resistant to sudden temperature changes and diseases of nightshade, fruit shape is triangular, fruits are medium-sized, but weighty, wall thickness 1cm, weight - 130-150 grams, universal purpose.
Product code: 15007
1.50 €
Chili peppers, fruits are elongated-cone-shaped and 10-15cm in length, have a deep red color and pronounced aroma, they are used both as a component of various hot sauces and for fresh food.
Product code: 15006
1.14 €
An early, compact variety, in bunches of purple, yellow-orange and red fruits at the same time, which creates a very original look and decorative effect, the fruits are suitable for eating fresh, for conservation and drying.
Product code: 12963
1.14 €
The bush is 120 cm high, the scarlet color of the fruit and a characteristic fruity aroma with a predominance of melon tones, the dried fruit aroma and taste are much more intense, the fruits ripen about 120 days after sprouting seedlings.
Product code: 12961
1.14 €
A variety of half-peppercorns native to Ecuador, a tall plant with abundant lateral branching, grows up to 2.5 meters in a greenhouse during the season, very fruitful, fruits are red-orange in color, thick-walled and very juicy, fruit and berry taste, mil
Product code: 4908
1.34 €
Early ripe, fruit - an elongated cone, thick-bore 6-8 mm, fruit weight up to 300 grams, fruit color from yellow-pink to bright red, differs in uniformity of fruits by high yield, bush 50-60 cm high in light green color.
Product code: 15438
1.50 €
One of the most delicious early-ripening varieties, a plant 1.5 m high, fruits are round and round-flat, pink, large, beautiful, fruit weight is 300-400 grams.
Product code: 15434
1.50 €
Large-fruited, tall with fruits of unusual color and original taste, weighing 200-300 grams, one of the best salad varieties of medium ripening.
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