«Spark» - Organic Salad Seeds

«Spark» - Organic Salad Seeds

1.14 €
Reputed to be absolutely the darkest red lettuce in existence, which should make it tops for anthocyanin (anti-oxidant) content as well! Leaf lettuce with wavy to frilly leaf margins and very crisp, waxy leaves!

  • Packet Weight 1/10/100: 

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 10216-1
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 4 years

  • Organic Salad «Spark»

    Reputed to be absolutely the darkest red lettuce in existence, which should make it tops for anthocyanin (anti-oxidant) content as well! Leaf lettuce with wavy to frilly leaf margins and very crisp, waxy leaves!

    Excellent bolt resistance, and good cold tolerance for a late fall to winter crop. Recommended as a cutting type for baby greens production or cut-and-come-again harvesting.

    How to Grow

    If you have the space, grow salads in beds or borders – these low growing plants can make excellent gap fillers between other plants and will prevent weeds from germinating.  Alternatively, sow seeds in growing bags or large pots filled with multipurpose compost. For a decent crop, ensure containers are between 20-45 cm in diameter. Although plants will do best in sun, they can be grown in a slightly shaded spot.

    If growing lettuce leaves in the ground, first prepare the ground by forking it over, removing weeds and raking to leave a fine finish. Next, make shallow trenches about 1.5cm deep and spread seed thinly along the bottom. Cover with soil and water.  To sow lettuce seeds in pots, fill the container with compost and firm down with your finger tips. Aim to leave a level finish with a 2cm gap between the surface of the compost and the top of the pot. 

    You can either scatter seed thinly across the surface or sow in rows, cover with compost and water. When seedlings are about 2cm tall, thin out to give them space to grow – check the seed packet for the distance, as this will depend on the variety.