«Adzuki» - Organic Bean Seeds

«Adzuki» - Organic Bean Seeds

1.39 €
It’s a very short plant with most of ours only growing a foot or so, making it perfect for growing in pots. Big crops of delicious tender “green beans” that are great as a stir fry, soup, stew, even a green salad vegie.

  • Packet Size 10/100/1000:

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 11351-10
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Beans
  • Seeds per gram: ≈ 10.00
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 4 years

  • Heirloom Bean «Adzuki»

    It’s a very short plant with most of ours only growing a foot or so, making it perfect for growing in pots. Big crops of delicious tender “green beans” that are great as a stir fry, soup, stew, even a green salad vegie.

    They take up no room so they are perfect for folks in apartments and rental properties. Traditionally used to make a huge range of deserts in Japan, China and Korea. All through Asia actually. Mochi, Anko, Anpan, Yokan, are all delicious desert foods made from boiling the azuki beans with sugar as a base flavour for the desert.

    Used as a spread on toast and a topping on icecream and gelato. It is pretty much the equivalent in popularity to our “chocolate flavour” in most of Asian. Extensive documented history of use since 4000BC!

    How to Plant

    Amend the soil with compost before planting. Bush beans are grown differently than pole beans. Sow bush bean seeds 1 inch deep, spaced 2- to 3-inches apart in rows, 2 feet apart. Thin to 4- to 6-inches apart after the true leaves form. Pole beans are planted on 8-foot tall poles arranged in a row or a tepee. Plant 2 to 3 seeds spaced evenly around each pole. Pole beans naturally want to twine up the poles. You can also grow bush and pole varieties in containers in smaller spaces. Trellis pole beans with wire or twine hung from a porch ceiling or roof.

    Fava beans are the exception in the bean family, but well adapted to our cool spring and fall growing conditions. Plant these as you would bush beans, but since the plants can grow 3- to 4-feet tall, trellis or stake the rows to keep the plants from flopping over.

    If planting pole beans in the tepee shape, consider planting lettuce, or mesclun mix or radishes under the tepee. These quick maturing veggies will grow and mature before the pole beans grow up to shade them. It’s a great space saving tip in a small garden.

    Consider planting successive crops of bush beans until early July spaced two weeks apart. This will insure a continuous harvest throughout the summer.