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Organic Quince Seeds (Cydonia Oblonga)

Organic Quince Seeds (Cydonia Oblonga)

1.39 €
Cydonia oblonga shrub or a small tree cultivated in Afghanistan, N.W.F. Province, Punjab, Kashmir and Nilgiris. The plant attains a height of 4-6 mt. Young branchlets are covered with a pale grayish wool.

  • Packet Size 10/100/1000:

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 1168-10
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 5 years

  • Organic Quince (Cydonia Oblonga)

    Cydonia oblonga shrub or a small tree cultivated in Afghanistan, N.W.F.  Province, Punjab, Kashmir and Nilgiris. The plant attains a height of 4-6 mt.

    Young branchlets are covered with a pale grayish wool. Leaves are oval, or elliptic, 5-10cm. long by 4-6m wide, untoothed, dark green above, pale with with a dense felt of grey wool beneath. Flowers are pink or white, produced in May or early June, after the leaves. Trees are self fertile. The fruits, which are pear or apple-shapped, are golden yellow in colour, juicy, fragrant and contain a large number of plano-convex, mucilagecoated seeds (6-7 mm. long), closely packed in two vertical rows, in each of the five carpellary cavities of the fruit.

    The leaves, buds and bark are astringent. The fruits are sub-acid or sour in taste, and have an agreeable aroma. They are usually eaten after cooking or baking or are made into preserves and jellies. Some varieties grown in Persia and in other regions are said to bear sweet fruits which are edible even in the raw condition. The fruits are astringent, expectorant, tonic and cardiac.