«Swallow» - Organic Pepper Seeds
1.14 €
Раннеспелый сорт, растение среднерослое, высотой 35-45 см, плоды конусовидно-овальные, гладкие, массой 80-100 грамм, темно-красного цвета, мякоть сочная и сладкая, толщиной 5-6 мм.
Sweet pepper "Swallow"
Early ripening grade. The plant is medium-sized, 35-45 cm high. The fruits are cone-oval, smooth, weighing 80-100 grams, dark red in color. The pulp is juicy and sweet, 5-6 mm thick.
They are grown in seedlings under a film or in open ground. Seeds for seedlings are sown, previously soaked in warm water. With a lack of heat, germination is sharply reduced. It requires good care and top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers with the addition of trace elements, as well as regular watering. Very fruitful. The taste is great.