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Pink-red Lotus Organic Seeds (Nelumbo caerulea) EXCLUSIVE

Pink-red Lotus Organic Seeds (Nelumbo caerulea)

5.00 €
A life-loving flower that can easily settle in a reservoir of a garden plot. And it will serve not only as a decorative decoration, but also as a "mini-pharmacy" for home ambulance, and Lotus seeds are also considered an excellent aphrodisiac that allows

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  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 13561-10
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2022
  • Shelf life: 3 years

  • Rose Red Lotus / Nelumbo nucifera

    Lotus seeds (as well as other parts of it) occupy not the last place in the national cuisine of the East, and in its medicine. And not because this flower is considered sacred. Quite the opposite - the plant acquired sanctity thanks to its healing properties.

    Although this plant is associated with Asian countries (China, Korea, India), North Africa is the birthplace of the lotus. Or rather, Egypt. It was from the banks of the Nile that the flower's "journey" began tens of thousands of years ago.

    The flower itself is a large water lily, the petals and leaves of which are covered with a waxy coating, so they do not get wet and always remain above the water. The lotus has very powerful rhizomes.

    Lotus is not only a decorative adornment, but also a "mini-pharmacy" of a home ambulance.

    The lotus flower blooms at dawn and closes in the evening. In the early morning, the flower can be bright pink, and at lunchtime, you can distinguish shades on the flower from white to pink. It is best to pick lotus flowers at dawn for medicinal or culinary uses.

    You can admire the most beautiful water lilies of white, pinkish, lily shades even on our reservoirs.

    The lotus is such a life-loving flower that it can easily settle in the reservoir of the garden plot. And it will serve not only as a decorative decoration, but also as a "mini-pharmacy" for home ambulance.

    How to grow a lotus at home, read here .

    After the lotus has faded, seeds begin to ripen in its box, which do not look like flowers at all. Peeled lotus seeds look more like pine nuts. They even taste like them, which made it possible to use the fruits as an independent product.

    The seeds of this plant have such vitality that they are able to germinate even after hundreds of years. What is the confirmation of the nuts found by archaeologists during excavations - despite the long "conservation" (over a thousand years), they gave excellent shoots.  

    The fruits were able to survive due to their properties, which were actively used in the practice of ancient Greek healers. The soldiers also took lotus nuts with them on a campaign, using them both as a healing agent and as a source of nutritional energy (apparently, in this way the plant spread throughout the world).

    Lotus is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and other useful components that have a beneficial effect on human health. The seeds of the plant are the part of it that contains the genetic memory, therefore most of all it has healing properties.

    Lotus nuts contain a set of B vitamins, vitamin A, which are "responsible" not only for health, but also inhibit the aging process.

    From the chemical table, the seeds contain potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium. Macronutrients are represented by metals such as: iron, copper, manganese, zinc.

    The amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in lotus nuts is quite balanced. The product not only saturates the body with proteins, but also triggers the mechanism for the production of "building material" of cells. The ingredients in the seeds help break down harmful fats, thereby inhibiting the production of cholesterol.

    The enzymes and flavonoids found in lotus fruits have anti-inflammatory and revitalizing properties. Thanks to this, the seeds of the plant are actively used in pharmacology and cosmetology.

    The Chinese attribute magical properties to the lotus, considering the flower a source of vital energy. To some extent, they are right - the plant (and in particular its seeds) is used to treat many diseases.

    Preparations based on lotus seeds are able to normalize the functioning of the intestines, genitourinary system, and nervous.

    Eaten nuts will normalize the heart and "take control" of blood pressure.
    Diarrhea, bedwetting, wet dreams - and this will help to cope with lotus fruits.
    Psychological factors are also subject to the action of healing nuts - their tonic and sedative properties will help to cope with stress, eliminate nervous anxiety and cure insomnia.

    Tibetan healers recommend taking lotus seed preparations for people with reproductive disorders.

    The large energetic power of nuts will not only raise immunity to the required level, but also help cancer patients cope with a terrible disease.

    And Lotus seeds are also considered an excellent aphrodisiac that allows you to feel the fullness of life.

    Seed nuts are consumed in raw and fried form, as well as decoctions and medicinal teas are made from lotus fruits. This product can be bought at a pharmacy and used as needed, or used as a dietary supplement.

    The broth is prepared as follows. Seeds in the amount of 1 tsp are poured with a glass of water and boiled (over low heat) for about 5 minutes. Leave to brew for an hour and filter. Use the broth before eating, drinking half a glass for any of the above problems.

    This drink can be prepared with herbs suitable for treating a particular ailment. Then the number of seeds should be halved, and herbs should be added in a 1: 1 ratio.

    For the treatment of diarrhea, a decoction is prepared according to a different recipe. A tablespoon of seeds is soaked in warm water and infused for several hours. Then add a spoonful of sugar and boil until the nuts are soft enough. When consumed, the broth can be tinted with tea - 5 g of tea drink per glass of medicinal composition.

    Emissions are treated with a mixture of powders taken in equal proportions - 1 g of lotus and groin seeds per glass of water. Drink the drink 2 times a day until the problem is completely solved.
    In the treatment of nervous diseases, the effects of the drugs used can be enhanced by adding a few crushed lotus nuts to them. This will help relieve nervous tension, insomnia and depression.

    A delicious porridge with the addition of lotus nuts will improve memory and sharpen vision and hearing. It is cooked from non-glutinous rice - 20 g of crushed seeds are taken per half a kilo of cereal. Seasonings can be added to enhance the flavor. If you serve such a side dish daily with vegetable, meat and fish dishes, after 7-10 days you can observe positive changes.

    Recipes for the use of lotus seeds can be listed for a long time, but any of the drugs should be used only after consultation with the doctor.

    Diseases in which it is contraindicated to use the seeds of this plant are not specified by medicine. But a number of points to which attention should be paid are still present.

    There are people in the world who are allergic to any kind of nuts. Rather, the oily components contained in them. And lotus fruit is no exception.

    The seeds have a bonding effect and are contraindicated for constipation.

    Since lotus preparations have an effect on libido, pregnant women should refuse to take seeds so as not to provoke the tone of the uterus (and this is already a threat of miscarriage).

    Due to the effect on the reproductive system, it is not recommended for children to take raw nuts (respectively, and for nursing mothers).