Organic Leatherleaf viburnum Seeds / Viburnum rhytidophyllum
1.14 €
An evergreen shrub up to 3 m tall, with erect, densely tomentose shoots, this shrub grows very quickly, good in single plantings and group plantings for park alleys and squares.
Leatherleaf viburnum Seeds / Viburnum rhytidophyllum
An evergreen shrub up to 3 m tall, with erect, densely tomentose shoots. At the age of 10 years, the plants have a height of 2.7 m, a crown diameter of 2.4 m. The leaves are thick, from ovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, glabrous, shiny, wrinkled, netted below, covered with thick, gray or yellowish felt, entirely -extreme, up to 19 cm long.
The flowers are yellowish-gray, in apical, corymbose inflorescences, up to 20 cm in diameter; the buds appear in the fall and bloom in the spring of the following year. The fruits are ovoid, small, initially red, then black, shiny, up to 0.8 cm. Before sowing seeds, stratification for 2 - 3 months or winter sowing is recommended.
This shrub grows very quickly. Shade-tolerant. It is unpretentious to the soil, drought-resistant. Good for single plantings and group plantings for park alleys and squares.
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Myrtus communis, commonly called Greek Myrtle, is an evergreen shrub that can grow up to 15 foot tall in it's native habitat. If you use it as an indoor plant then the plant will not usually get much larger than 2-3 foot.
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Blueberries are expensive at the market, but you can grow your own for relatively very low cost. Fill your yard with rows of the fruit-bearing berry bushes. Highbush Blueberry, which is native to North America.
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1.14 €
A tall shrub or small tree 4-5 m. The crown is tent-shaped, the bark of old branches is dark brown, the bark of young branches is dark purple or cherry, the inflorescences are complex, loose, multi-flowered, purple-red.
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1.14 €
Bladder Senna Shrub (Colutea arborescens), also called "Bladders Tree" is a shrub in the family Fabaceae characterized by its original fruit named "baguenaudes" reddish brown pods swell mature and become translucent.