«Ramondia» - Organic Corn Seeds
1.14 €
Super-sweet variety, growing season 85-90 days, plant height 1.4 -1.5 m, cylindrical ears, about a third of the seeds are white, the rest are yellow, excellent taste.
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Product code: 3425
1.14 €
Size of ears range from 3-8 inches. Height of plants depend upon water, but can reach up to 9 feet, typically 6 feet. The kernels may be ground into cornmeal or popped. Glass Gem can be harvested approx. 110-120 days after planting.
Product code: 10036
1.14 €
Bodacious ears are large at 20cm (8″) and very sweet and tender. The husk is an attractive dark-green colour and kernels are bright yellow and tender. Bodacious corn seeds are highly recommended for home grown corn on the cob or freezing.
Product code: 11524
1.14 €
One of the earliest maturing and easiest to grow popcorns. 4-6” ears on 6′ tall plants. Chocolate Cherry kernels have a ruby-red glassy shine when held in the right angle of light. The pointy kernels pop bright white with a small black hull.
Product code: 13698
1.14 €
Mid-early variety, plant height 260-270 cm, ear attachment height 90-95 cm, number of leaves 15-16, ear length 21-22 cm, grain rows 16, grain yield 82-84%, cob core red.