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«Golden large» - Organic Plum Seeds NEW

«Golden large» - Organic Plum Seeds

2.00 €
Late-ripening, self-fertile plum. The harvest ripens in September. The tree is medium-sized, the crown is pyramidal. The variety is high-yielding - the branches of the tree are strewn with rounded fruits that fit tightly to the branches...

  • Packet Size 2/20/200:

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 15953-2
  • Available: Is enough
  • Germination: 99%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2024
  • Shelf life: 5 years

  • Organic Plum «Golden large»

    Late-ripening, self-fertile plum. The harvest ripens in September. The tree is medium-sized, the crown is pyramidal. The variety is high-yielding - the branches of the tree are strewn with rounded fruits that fit tightly to the branches. It is recommended to use the “Peaceful” or “Volga Beauty” plums as pollinators. Up to 27 kg of plums are removed from the tree. Fruiting - in the 4th year.

    The fruits are large, yellow with ruddy sides, weighing about 40 g. The tender pulp has a sweet and sour taste. Taster rating: 4.8 points. The surface of the fruit is covered with a slight waxy coating. A fairly frost-resistant variety, resistant to drought and disease. Tolerates returning spring frosts well. They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one and a half months. The variety is suitable for gardens with intensive cultivation.

    Yellow plums are inferior in popularity to traditional blue varieties. But thanks to its sweetness, yield and unpretentiousness.

    The yellow plum, a hybrid variety of garden plum, is grown in much the same way as its blue and red cousins. Breeders obtained the yellow subspecies of plums by crossing cultivated cherry plums and wild plums/sloes. There are also varieties obtained as a result of artificial selection.

    As a result of crossing cultivated and wild fruit trees, a form was obtained that is resistant to extreme growing conditions, hardy and unpretentious. At the same time, yellow plums are extremely sweet, they are tasty fresh and in preparations - this is an excellent raw material for sweet preservation.

    The tree is shorter than blue/red plum varieties. The maximum height is 7 m. In the presence of pollinators, the yield increases significantly.

    Advantages and features of yellow-fruited plum: Yellow plums are a low-calorie fruit widely used in weight loss diets. 100 g of pulp contains 44 kcal or 181 kJ. This is 2% of the daily value.

    The fruits of yellow plums are a valuable product, widely used in cooking, medicine, and the food industry. They are used to prepare molasses, jams, marmalade, seasonings for dishes, wines, and other alcoholic drinks.

    Yellow plums contain a lot of:
    vitamins – A, E, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, PP;
    minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, silicon and others;
    vegetable fiber.

    Fruits, fresh and dried, have a lot of useful properties that make them attractive to consumers:
    protect blood vessels from cholesterol plaques;
    cleanse the intestines and improve peristalsis;
    prevent atherosclerosis;
    reduce blood pressure;
    strengthen the immune system;
    normalize weight;
    stimulate the gastrointestinal tract;
    remove excess fluid;
    maintain visual acuity;
    rejuvenate the body;
    improve the condition of skin, hair, nails;
    replenish iron deficiency.

    Options for using yellow plum:
    Inclusion in fasting diets.
    Addition to nourishing, rejuvenating and peeling masks.
    Drying, canning, preparing desserts.