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«Fragrant» Heirloom Tobacco Seeds EXCLUSIVE

«Fragrant» Heirloom Tobacco Seeds

1.14 €
This variety differs from others in the aroma of flowers and dry raw materials, easy to smoke, has good tasting and smoking properties, is used to make cigars and cigarettes, and essential oils are also obtained from it.

  • Packet Size 300/3000/30000:

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 1740-300
  • Available: Ends
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 10 years

  • Heirloom Tobacco «Fragrant»

    Created in 1987 by the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, by the method of interspecific and intraspecific hybridization with the participation of varieties: Harmanly 11 + Nicotiana Silvestris + American 572. This mid-season tobacco variety has improved smoking properties, smoke and inflorescence aroma, high quality raw materials. It has a light green leaf color, a cylindrical plant shape with a height of 110-140 cm.

    The inflorescence is corymbose dense, the corolla is large, pale pink in color, the position of the leaf on the stem is horizontal. The raw material is aromatic. This variety differs from others in the aroma of flowers and dry raw materials, easy to smoke, has good tasting and smoking properties. It is used to make cigars and cigarettes, and essential oils are obtained from it for further use in the perfume industry.

    It has increased drought resistance and resistance to burning. The number of days from germination to the readiness of seedlings in greenhouses (cold ridges) is 46 days.

    Number of days from landing:

        a) until the leaves of medium breakage ripen 75-81 days;
        b) until the leaves of the last breakage ripen 98-122 days;
        c) before flowering 68-82 days;
        d) until 50% of pods ripen 107-123 days.

    The average number of technically suitable leaves per plant is 24 pieces.

    Leaf size in the middle tier of the plant:

        length from 29 to 33 cm;
        width from 15 to 23 cm.

    Seedling color is light green. Plant growth in the first phases is fast. The shape of the plant is ellipsoidal. The shape of the inflorescence is loose. The position of the leaf on the stem is elevated, the leaf blade is arcuately curved. The leaf base is sessile. The shape of the blade of the middle leaf is elliptical. The tip of the middle leaf is obtuse. The leaf surface is medium swollen. The edge of the sheet is wavy. Leaf color is green. The color of the corolla of the flower is whitish-pink.

    Heirloom Tobacco Seeds Planting Instructions

    Sow tobacco seeds indoors in flats, trays or small pots 6-8 weeks before transplanting. A plastic tray with 4 or 6 packs inserts works very well. Fill trays approximately 3 inches deep with a fine starting mix soil or potting soil. Pack soil very lightly. Potting soil should be screened to remove any large chunks. Thoroughly soak soil and let drain before seeding. Do not use garden soil.

    Sprinkle 2-3 tobacco seeds in each pot on top of the moistened soil. Do NOT cover seed. Mist the seeds lightly with a spray bottle and cover the tray loosely with a plastic dome or sheet of clear light plastic film. Do not seal tightly. Leave a corner propped up to allow some air exchange. Place in a well lit area near a window or under grow lights where the temperature is a constant 70-80 degrees. Do not exceed 85 degrees. Mist the trays daily and keep the soils surface moist at all times. Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days. Tobacco seed germination is very temperature dependant. Lower temperatures will greatly delay germination.

    When the tobacco seeds start sprouting, remove the plastic cover and move to a fully light area such as a greenhouse, cold frame or under grow lights. Keep soil moist at all times, but do not over water. Water when the surface of the soil first begins to appear dry. Over watering may cause seedlings to dampen off, and impedes root development. Thin or divide tobacco seedlings to 1 per pot.

    Planting instructions for tobacco plants

    Set seedlings outside in filtered sunlight for 2-4 hours per day for a week before planting to acclimate and harden off the tobacco seedlings. Plant seedlings in rows spaced 2 feet in all directions after all danger of frost has passed. Keep soil moist until plants are established. It is normal for plants to wilt after transplanting and appear not to grow at all during the first 2 weeks. All the growth is taking place under ground at this stage. Once established, tobacco requires little water. Fertilize lightly at planting and again in 4-6 weeks only if needed.

    Cut off the flower heads when they appear. Topping forces the energy into the leaves making them larger and thicker. Cut off suckers (side branches) when topping. Leaves ripen 2-3 weeks after topping and are ready to harvest when they turn yellow, or become a mottled green and yellow with curled edges.

    Harvesting and curing tobacco

    Tobacco leaves may be picked as they ripen (primed) and strung on wire or string with ½ inch of space between them for curing. Whole plants can be cut and hung when 50% of the leaves show signs of ripening. Curing (aka color curing) happens when chlorophyll in the leaf breaks down and the leaf changes from green or yellow to brown. Hang leaves or plants in an area where you can maintain a daily average of 70-80% humidity to cure and dry. Basements or outdoor sheds often make great curing locations.  If dried to quickly, the leaf will not cure and will dry green. Tobacco that fails to cure and dries green is unsmokable.

    After curing, continue to dry the tobacco leaf until it is completely dry and the main stem snaps like a twig. Once cured and dried, the leaf can be left to hang and age where it is, or brought back into case (re-humidified until the leaf is pliable) then packed into cardboard boxes for storage and to age. Aging allows time for nitrogen compounds in the leaf to break down, which removes the harshness of freshly cured tobacco and lets the true flavors come through.