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«Scarlet» - Organic Helichrysum Seeds

«Scarlet» - Organic Helichrysum Seeds

1.14 €
Start scarlet Strawflower seed and produce these beautiful 2 inch wide daisy-like blooms. They also come in shades of bronze, cream, pink, purple, white and yellow. The flowers bloom on top of stems that reach 36 to 40 inches in height.

  • Packet Weight 0.2/2/20: 

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 1904-0.2
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 5 years

  • Organic Helichrysum «Scarlet»

    Start scarlet Strawflower seed and produce these beautiful 2 inch wide daisy-like blooms. They also come in shades of bronze, cream, pink, purple, white and yellow. The flowers bloom on top of stems that reach 36 to 40 inches in height.

    For a beautiful scene in the flower garden, use the thin, grayish-green-colored lance-shaped leaves of the Strawflowers to provide a contrasting frame for low-growing flowering annuals. Strawflower plants bloom from summer until late fall. Frost and overly dry soils typically kill Helichrysum plants; however, they will drop their flower seed and sprout again the following spring.

    Helichrysum look good in the flower bed, in vases, corsages, bouquets, and more. Once they begin to bloom in summer, they will reward you with bursts of color right up to frost. Flowers are often dried and are considered "everlasting." Other common names for Strawflower are Helichrysum Paper Daisy and Everlasting Daisy Helichrysum.

    Sow Helichrysum seeds in spring after frost season has ended directly outdoors into prepared soil. For earlier blooms, sow Strawflower seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before planting time. Transplant young plants into the flower garden, pinching back to encourage compact growth. Deadhead spent blooms to encourage flowering. Remove plants after frost.