«Prickly mix» - Rare cactus Seeds
1.14 €
A very nice mix of 100+ seeds composed of many different species of cacti and Succulents. You will get 100 seeds or more. You can sow the seeds using your own method.
Rare cactus «Prickly mix»
A very nice mix of 100+ seeds composed of many different species of cacti and Succulents. You will get 100 seeds or more. You can sow the seeds using your own method.
How to Grow
Cactus Growing Conditions The cacti families are succulents which store moisture in their pads, stems and trunks to use during dry and drought periods. They are generally found in desert conditions, although a few are tropical to sub-tropical. The plants favor sunny locations with plenty of heat, areas which have little to no rainfall and harsh soil.
The majority of the family will make excellent houseplants due to their minimal needs and forgiving nature. These hardy plants do need water but not on the scale that the average plant requires. They are unique in form and flower with an ease of care that borders on neglect. They prefer a cactus growing mix that is partially sand or grit, some soil and a pinch of peat moss.