«Southern Star Mix» - Organic Petunia Seeds

«Southern Star Mix» - Organic Petunia Seeds

1.14 €
Start these flower seeds for a southern perennial that provides color from late April through early October. Southern Star Mexican Petunia is low-growing and creates a perennial ground cover, or it can also grow in containers well.

  • Packet Weight 0.15/1.5/15:

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 2733-0.15
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 4 years

  • Petunia «Southern Star Mix»

    Start these flower seeds for a southern perennial that provides color from late April through early October. Southern Star Mexican Petunia is low-growing and creates a perennial ground cover, or it can also grow in containers well.

    The Southern Star series produces clean green foliage and small trumpet-shaped blooms that are attractive to wildlife. The mix gives a wonderful display of violet blue, pink and bright white blooms. Mexican Petunia plants tolerate a variety of conditions and once established, can be drought tolerant.

    The Mexican Petunia seeds can be started indoors in the late winter for transplanting outside, or start the Ruellia seeds directly outside. A winter seeding works well for directly sowing in the flower bed. Ruellia Mexican Petunia has been known to re-seed, so deadheading spent blooms is helpful to keep unwanted seedlings from appearing each spring.