«The Bride» - Organic Hollyhock Seeds
1.14 €
When it comes to sheer, delightful old-fashioned charm, hollyhocks can't be topped. The tall spikes, covered with huge crystal-white double flowers, bloom like mad from June through August.
Organic Hollyhock «The Bride»
When it comes to sheer, delightful old-fashioned charm, hollyhocks can't be topped. The tall spikes, covered with huge crystal-white double flowers, bloom like mad from June through August.
The expressive, outward-facing flowers' inner petals form a fluffy crest with yellow center stamens. The towering spikes lend height and architectural interest to the sunny cottage garden border. Rosea The Bride will flower its first year and needs no staking but requires sun and well-drained soil.
How to Grow
Planting hollyhock may be done in spring or fall. Select a sunny location sheltered from the wind. Try to have the soil worked up at least one week before planting time.
Spring plantings will be safer in areas where winters are severe. Plant as soon as nursery stock is received. If plantings must be delayed, place the hollyhock in a cool, shaded area and keep the roots moist. Hollyhock seedlings are grown in a special planting mixture to promote fast growth. Do not pull this material away from the roots, but set the top of the planting material level with the soil line. Firm the soil around the plants and roots by pressing the soil with your hands. Water well to eliminate air pockets that may form around the roots.