«Green Perfection» - Organic Curly Mallow Seeds

«Green Perfection» - Organic Curly Mallow Seeds

2.53 €
An annual food, medicinal and ornamental plant native to China, two-meter branched bushes are densely covered with large (20 cm in diameter), wavy leaves with a fringe along the edge.

  • Packet Size 10/100/1000: 

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 5265-10
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 4 years

  • Curly mallow (Malva crispa)

    An annual food, medicinal and ornamental plant native to China, two-meter branched bushes are densely covered with large (20 cm in diameter), wavy leaves with a fringe along the edge.

    Location: sunny location, protected from strong winds. Light partial shade is acceptable. In the shade, the plants stretch out and bloom less abundantly.

    Soil: medium-moist, rich in humus, well-drained, neutral reaction.

    Care: usual. Watering is abundant, but dampness should be avoided. It is recommended to tie the stems to pegs to avoid wind damage. The faded flowers are removed to prolong the flowering period. After flowering, the inflorescences are cut off. If shorter than usual bushes are required, then in the spring the shoots can be pinched. Malva does not tolerate transplanting well. Periodic rejuvenation is recommended, since young plants are more frost-resistant.

    Diseases and pests: slugs. It is prone to bacterial diseases, especially in warm and humid regions.

    Reproduction: most often by seeds, which are sown in May directly in open ground ridges. Shoots appear on the 8-10th day. They are planted in a permanent place in the fall, keeping the distance between plants 40-50 cm. It blooms in the 2nd year. Sowing for seedlings is carried out in April directly in pots (3 seeds in a three-liter pot), in a loose earthy mixture with a neutral reaction. In this case, it blooms sometimes in the year of sowing. Valuable terry varieties and forms are propagated by cuttings (basal cuttings in spring or stem cuttings in early summer) or by dividing the bush. Self-seeding is possible under favorable conditions.

    Usage: in mixborders, groups, very effective against the background of shrubs and trees. They stand for a long time in the cut.