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Organic Yellow Acacia Seeds (Caragana arborescens)
Product code: 12450
1.14 €
Deciduous shrub, less often a tree with a height of 4-7 m, in which the leaves are alternate, petiolar, compound, consisting of 5-8 pairs of leaves, flowers are rather large, bisexual, moth-like, with a yellow corolla.
Product code: 12447
1.14 €
The tree is up to 25 (30) m high, the bark is dark gray, lamellar exfoliating in old trees, sometimes to a greater extent with deep grooves. the bark of young twigs is glabrous, brown-reddish, the shoots are at first with silky white pubescence, which soo
Product code: 12446
1.14 €
Deciduous tree of the Linden genus of the Malvovye family, in which the tree is up to 40 m tall, with a dense, wide-pyramidal crown, with reddish-brown, fluffy, less often bare young shoots.
Product code: 12444
1.14 €
Deciduous shrub 1.5-3 m in height, with a spreading, dense, rounded crown, branches are long, sometimes up to 5 m, tough, with pale brown or gray scaly bark, smooth, occasionally thorny.
Product code: 12440
2.00 €
Deciduous tree up to 30m tall, straight trunk with a pyramidal crown, dark green shiny narrow oval leaves with a rich autumn color, differs from most other oaks in leaves that form like laurel.
Product code: 11829
1.14 €
Shrub up to 2 meters high, with widely spreading branches drooping at the ends, purple-violet flowers with a honey aroma, up to 1.5 cm, blooms annually and abundantly from July to September.
Product code: 6860
3.00 €
Tree up to 20 m high, sometimes a large shrub, prickly shoots, pear-shaped or rounded fruits, ripe in August - September.
Product code: 6849
3.00 €
Cultivated in gardens, parks, planted as a soil-strengthening and water-protective plant, silvery leaves, bright bark, fragrant flowers make the sucker a very decorative plant.
Product code: 6848
1.50 €
Deciduous tree, 18-27 m high, with a regular oval dense crown, fast-growing, fruit is a purplish-red round drupe about 1 cm in diameter, almost black when mature, with a bittersweet and viscous taste, ripens in late summer, edible.
Product code: 1552
1.39 €
Juglans nigra, the eastern black walnut, a species of flowering tree in the walnut family, Juglandaceae, is native to eastern North America. It grows mostly in riparian zones, from southern Ontario, west to southeast South Dakota, south to Georgia.
Product code: 873
3.00 €
The fruits themselves are very large nuts, hence the name "Giant". The average weight of dried nuts is 20-25 grams. The shell is thin (shell thickness 1.0 - 1.5 mm). This variety of walnut - refers to the table and decorative varieties.
Organic monkey nuts (Juglans mandshurica) NEW
Product code: 2729
3.00 €
A species of deciduous monoecious trees or shrubs of the genus Walnut. The natural range of the species is Manchuria (northern China), the Far East (Primorye and Amur region), as well as the Korean Peninsula.
Organic filbert seeds (Corylus maxima) NEW
Product code: 2521
1.50 €
It is also called Hazelnut. It is a multi-stemmed shrub and grows up to 4 meters. The Lombard nut has been considered a magical plant since ancient times - it was used as a talisman to protect against evil forces, as well as from mice and even from lightn
Organic Common Oak Seeds (Quercus robur) NEW
Product code: 4297
1.14 €
Oak at the age of 25 years can reach 8.5 m in height, in which the diameter of the trunk at chest level is 20 cm, the diameter of the crown is 3 m, the branches start from the grafting site and grow upward at an acute angle, forming a dense and dense crow
Product code: 3057
2.00 €
A small thorny shrub from the genus Plum, 3.5-4.5 m high, less often a low-growing tree no higher than 8 m, growing, forms dense thorny and impassable thickets, edible fruits similar to a plum, up to 12 mm in diameter.
Organic American Linden Seeds (Tilia americana) NEW
Product code: 12449
1.14 €
Deciduous tree, reaching a height of 20 - 35 (up to 45) meters with a trunk diameter of up to 1.2 meters, spreading crown, branches often drooping, flowering occurs at the beginning or middle of summer, the main pollinators are bees.
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