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«Oyster mushroom blue» (Pleurotus columbinus) - Organic Mushroom Spawn EXCLUSIVE

«Oyster mushroom blue» (Pleurotus columbinus) - Organic Mushroom Spawn

6.10 € 3.00 € (Discount: -103%)
Blue oyster mushroom is one of the rarest and most exotic varieties of oyster mushroom, the active antitumor effect of oyster mushroom has been proven, regular use of oyster mushroom can normalize blood pressure.

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  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 10701-20
  • Available: Is enough
  • Unit: Plug spawn
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 5 years

  • *Currently, this product is NOT subject to additional discounts on the discount program and promo codes.
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