«Vassma» - Organic Mustard Seeds

«Vassma» - Organic Mustard Seeds

1.14 €
Early ripening variety. Vegetation period is 25-30 days. Rosette leaves large, erect, slightly sprawling, with a diameter and height of 25-30 cm. Has a pleasant sharp taste. Contains a large number of vitamins and mineral salts.

  • Packet Weight 1/10/100:

  • Manufacturer country: Ukraine
  • Product code: 11030-1
  • Available: a lot of
  • Germination: 90%
  • Unit: Seeds
  • Crop year / Production date: 2023
  • Shelf life: 5 years

  • Ukrainian Mustard «Vassma»

    Early ripening variety. Vegetation period is 25-30 days. Rosette leaves large, erect, slightly sprawling, with a diameter and height of 25-30 cm. Has a pleasant sharp taste. Contains a large number of vitamins and mineral salts. It is an annual and quite cold-resistant plant.

    How to Grow

    Once mustard seed plants start growing, they need little care. They enjoy cool weather and will bolt (flower) quickly in warmer weather. While this may seem like a great thing if you are looking to grow mustard seeds, it is not. Mustard plants that bolt due to warm weather will produce poor flowers and seeds.

    It’s best to keep them on their normal flowering cycle to be able to harvest the best mustard seeds. Mustard seed plants need 2 inches of water a week. Normally, during cool weather, you should get enough rainfall to supply this, but if you don’t, you’ll need to do additional watering. Mustard seed plants don’t need fertilizer if they have been planted in well amended garden soil, but if you’re unsure if your soil is nutrient rich, you can add a balanced fertilizer to the roots once the plants are 3 to 4 inches tall.