Organic Almaty Hawthorn Seeds (Crataegus almaatensis)
1.14 €
A tall shrub or small tree 4-5 m. The crown is tent-shaped, the bark of old branches is dark brown, the bark of young branches is dark purple or cherry, the inflorescences are complex, loose, multi-flowered, purple-red.
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Product code: 1680
1.14 €
Euonymus is a wide-ranging genus of about 170 deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. The majority of the shrubs in the genus are native to East Asia, but the Euonymus europaeus grows naturally in many areas of Europe on the edges of forests.
Product code: 3699
1.14 €
Five-petalled white flowers, resembling big white bluebottle flies, bloom in June on this unusual, rarely-seen, much-branched shrub which grows most commonly in lush woods on slopes, and around fields, and was being cultivated in Britain by 1683.
Product code: 4295
1.14 €
Fruit - raw or cooked. Sub-acid, dry and mealy. Our experience has been that the fruit is sweet and somewhat juicy, it has a thick flesh with a nice flavour and makes an acceptable dessert fruit. The fruit can also be used in making pies, preserves etc.
Product code: 15124
3.00 €
The yew berry is also called greenwood or mahogany, it is a coniferous tree from the Yew family, the yew berry is quite attractive, has an unusual pyramidal crown, the main feature of the plant is its lifespan.