Product code: 8287
1.50 €
Mid-season variety, fruits are one-dimensional flat, smooth steaks, pink in color, with a reddish tint at the stalk, weight up to 800 grams.
Product code: 8286
1.14 €
Indeterminate, mid-season variety, fruits weighing 100-300 grams, deep red-purple, very dense, one pulp, excellent, very sweet, pleasant taste, dark pink pulp.
Product code: 8285
1.50 €
Medium late variety, large red fruits with a mass of 600 grams, the weight of individual fruits can reach 1 kg, fruits with small ribs at the stalk.
Product code: 8284
1.14 €
Plant produces good yields of 1 to 2 lb bi-colored yellow beefsteak tomatoes with red-rose streaks, they are very sweet, juicy, and flavorful, perfect for salads, slicing, and sandwiches, low acidity variety.
Product code: 8283
1.14 €
The Bumble bees are beautiful, cherry-type tomatoes, the flavors for all these varieties to be intriguingly complex, mellow and not too sweet, deep rosy red globes are streaked with apricot, indeterminate plants produce 1/2 inch long by 1 1/4 inch wide.
Product code: 8282
1.14 €
Indeterminate, high-yielding, mid-season, excellent variety, large plant, well leafy, with a regular leaf, fruits are large, beautiful, red-pink steaks, dense, with small edges, weighing 250-300 grams, can reach 1 - 1.5 kg.
Product code: 8281
1.14 €
A persimmon-colored Russian heirloom beefsteak; high in flavor, low in acidity, an heirloom originally from Russia, this beefsteak type has very large, persimmon-colored fruits, uniform and blemish-free, the tomatoes have high flavor, low acidity.
Product code: 8280
1.14 €
3.14 € (Sale: 63%)
A mid-season, indeterminate high-yielding decorative variety, fruits of a steak type, flat-round shape, red, with large, pronounced ribs, weighing 120-250 grams.
Product code: 8279
1.14 €
Super Sweet is known to be more disease resistant, giving plants in a better chance where certain problems may be soil-borne, You’ll be eating them right off the vine before they ever make it to the salad bowl, they are perfect for snacking, and salads.
Product code: 8278
1.14 €
3.14 € (Sale: 63%)
A mid-season variety, large, beautiful, bright pink, juicy fruits, round-flat in shape, with a wonderful, bright, sweet taste that will not leave anyone indifferent.
Product code: 8276
1.14 €
A very productive heirloom from a Tennesee grower sent to Gary Ibsen, pale yellow with pink blush, lightly lobed, flattened fruit (shape and markings like a cats paw) with thin skin and delicious tropical-sweet flavors with a distinct hint of citrus.
Product code: 8275
1.14 €
This rare but fabulous tomato gives moderate to heavy crops of fruit which are packed with the delicious flavours expected from one of the best of the black tomatoes, the large, regular-leafed tomato plants yielding the most beautiful and sizeable.
Product code: 8274
1.14 €
Czech, mid-early, high-yielding variety for open ground. Plant is determinate - 0.5 m. The fruits are red, small, resembling a plum with a small spout, weighing 100 grams. The raw fruit is almost white. As they mature, they gradually turn into red ones.
Product code: 8273
1.14 €
4.14 € (Sale: 72%)
An early ripe, indeterminate variety, there are a lot of fruits in the bunch, smallish, but very tasty, sweet, ripening unevenly, bright red, glossy, adhere well to bushes, even when fully ripe, do not crack, weighing 20 grams.
Product code: 8272
1.14 €
3.14 € (Sale: 63%)
Mid-season high-yield variety, Fruits - large pink steaks with noticeable ribs, flat-round shape, pale pink color, weighing 300-400 grams, juicy pulp, many small seed chambers, like a Bull's heart, wonderful sweet taste.
Product code: 8271
1.14 €
3.58 € (Sale: 68%)
High-yielding, medium-sized (1 m), mid-season, with large potato leaves, fleshy, round-shaped fruits, up to 300 grams, dark pink, dense, tasty.
Product code: 8269
1.14 €
3.99 € (Sale: 71%)
A mid-season unusually beautiful, tall variety - 1.5 m, for indoor ground with original, ribbed fruits of bright yellow color, fruits weighing up to 300-500 grams, have a dense, grainy pulp of a very pleasant taste, there are very few seeds in the fruits.
Product code: 8268
1.14 €
2.97 € (Sale: 61%)
Mid-season variety, tall bushes, 1.5 m, potato-type leaves, fruits are very tasty, large, flat-round shape with light ribbing at the stalk, weighing 300-500 grams, raspberry color.
Product code: 8264
1.14 €
4.45 € (Sale: 74%)
A mid-season tomato variety, a plant with a height of 1.8 m, requires a garter, heart-shaped fruits, even, red, weighing 1.5 kg, some can grow up to 2 kg or more.
Product code: 8263
1.14 €
1.78 € (Sale: 35%)
A mid-season tomato variety, a standard plant, 0.4 m high, many excellent lying fruits of a rounded flat shape, red, weighing 180 grams are formed on the brushes.
Product code: 8262
1.14 €
The tomatoes are just plain huge, the vines had only a few small 10 ouncers among the huge beefsteaks, the flavor is superb with a good full range of tomatoey goodness and a touch of sweetness on the finish, the size makes it easy to cover.
Product code: 8261
1.14 €
2.34 € (Sale: 51%)
When fully ripe, tomatoes become bright red, round, weighing from 60 grams, ideal for pickling.
Product code: 8260
1.14 €
Plump, deep red, pear-shaped tomatoes are streaked and spotted with bronze markings, flavor is dark, rich, and delicious. resistant to bursting fruits that grow up to 100 g, tall plants to 180 cm produce lots of ruby-brown plum-shaped fruits.
Product code: 8259
1.14 €
Tumbling Tom Tomato rolls off the tongue just about as easy as its bright red cherries cascade out of a patio pot or hanging basket, no need for staking or training as this well-branched, determinate plant stays compact all by itself.
Product code: 8258
1.14 €
This tomato is just about an inch high and wide, the perfect size for showing off on the plate, as a snack, and straight from the vine - the gardener's version of fast food, it has a very high sugar count (8 to 10 on the Brix scale).
Product code: 8257
1.14 €
This type produces large flat red fruit which is known to produce ripe tomatoes in cool summer regions, the fruit have a slight crinkle at the top, often giving a squished in appearance, as the name suggests it was developed in Australia.
Product code: 8256
1.14 €
3.15 € (Sale: 63%)
Mid-season, very productive variety, tall plants, 1.5 m high, fruits are bright, elastic enough, excellent taste, average weight 300-400 grams, some up to 1 kg.
Product code: 8255
1.14 €
2.60 € (Sale: 56%)
An early, productive variety, fruits are red, flat-rounded, weighing about 140 grams, grow and ripen in the shortest possible time, disease-resistant, very early variety.
Product code: 8254
1.14 €
Treat yourself to one of the most unique and sweetest tasting tomato varieties known, the tiny fruit are half the size of a cherry tomato and grow in nice heavy clusters, creamy-white in color with just a tinge of yellow, deliciously sweet.
Product code: 8253
1.14 €
3.50 € (Sale: 67%)
A high-yielding variety, the fruits are beautiful, rich in color, tasty, sweet, pink, large, weighing up to 600 grams, collected in large clusters, the variety is distinguished by high productivity and taste.
Product code: 8251
1.14 €
A joy to grow as well as to eat, this exciting heirloom is over the top in color, size, vigor, and flavor, when you want a really exceptional tomato, choose Big Rainbow, The fruit eventually reaches about 2 pounds (yes, that's POUNDS).
Product code: 8249
1.14 €
2.99 € (Sale: 61%)
High-yielding, medium-ripe, medium-sized variety, yield 6-7 kg / m2, fruits are round, smooth, weighing 80-120 grams, individual up to 160 grams, excellent taste, tomatoes are sweet and juicy, with a pleasant aroma.
Product code: 8248
1.14 €
2.99 € (Sale: 61%)
Early-ripening, tall (1.8 m) variety, intended for film and glazed greenhouses, decorative fruits are very sweet and tasty, round, bright, deep red, glossy, weighing 20-25 grams.
Product code: 8247
1.14 €
2.99 € (Sale: 61%)
Medium-early, tall, high-yielding variety, the fruits are round, red-blue, have a good balanced taste, juicy, the main purpose of the tomato - for processing and fresh consumption.
Product code: 8246
1.50 €
Early maturing, undersized, rare variety of tomato, recommended for cultivation in the open field and under temporary film shelters, fruits are round, smooth, at the stage of maturity, rich red-violet color, weighing 100-150 grams, excellent taste.
Product code: 8245
1.14 €
An early variety, medium-sized, not very powerful bushes up to 1.2 m high, the fruits are large, weighty, bright red, rich in color, flat-round, lettuce, weighing up to 500 grams (sometimes up to 1 kg).
Product code: 8243
1.14 €
Very well flavored, unusual stuffing-type tomato, having stunning stripes of light and dark green, maturing to yellow and green, fFour ounce, three- to four-lobed fruits are apple-shaped, and look like small blocky bell peppers.
Product code: 8242
1.14 €
Brilliant orange, oxheart fruits have a pronounced point at the blossom end, giving them one of the most perfect heart shapes of any tomato variety known, the fruits sometimes reach a pound in weight, the flavor of the meaty fruits is robust.
Product code: 8241
1.14 €
This German heirloom resembles a strawberry in color and shape, though much larger, meaty with scant seed and juice, the flavor spectrum runs broad and deep, fruits average 10 oz, shoulders are smooth to slightly ribbed and slower to ripen.
Product code: 8240
1.14 €
3.28 € (Sale: 65%)
Высокорослый сорт с отличным вкусом и огромнейшим урожаем диетических желто-оранжевых сливок, этот красавец поражает воображение малооблиственными кустами высотой до 2 м с веерообразными кистями до 30 плодов в каждой.