Product code: 4142
1.14 €
This tall variety features huge blooms that will brighten up your entire flower garden from late spring through summer and right up until frost season. Grown from Marigold seeds, these annuals are tireless bloomers with giant blooms.
Product code: 4137
1.14 €
Exceptionally double, gigantic rounded blooms of softest peachy-yellow, many blushed with pink, festoon the tall, sturdy stalks of this old-fashioned favorite! The plump green buds burst into bloom beginning at the base of the 5- to 6 foot stalks.
Product code: 4125
1.14 €
Night Scented Stock is a compact growing plant that produces mounds of small, lilac-colored blossoms with powerful lily-like scent. The Evening Scented Stock flowers open in the late afternoon to evening and emits delightful fragrance that fills the cool.
Product code: 4123
1.14 €
Here is another incredible tropical annual that can be grown from Castor Bean seeds to give a dramatic display in the landscape. The Zanzibar plant achieves massive sizes in a single growing season, but it is not tolerant of frost.
Product code: 4122
1.14 €
For intense color saturation on neat, compact plants that really take the summer heat, Vista is unbeatable! This charmer begins flowering early (before the end of spring in most climates) and continues up to frost.
Product code: 4114
1.14 €
You will want to have this brilliant shade of light blue in your landscape setting! Lobelia seeds are easy to start and quick to grow. Lobelia Light-Blue is a very popular annual that adds striking color to many diverse settings.
Product code: 4113
1.14 €
Lavatera Mix Lavatera trimestris Also known as Herb Treemallow. Every stalk is covered with single funnel-shaped blossoms. An explosion of exotic blooms in mostly pink shades, some light and some dark, and the remainder white on 2' tall bushy plants.
Product code: 4067
1.14 €
China Aster - Yelllow Start Aster seeds and grow many of these showy annuals for the flower beds or garden! China Asters are good as cut flowers in bouquets, beds, borders or pots because of their longevity.
Product code: 4066
1.14 €
China Aster - Yelllow Start Aster seeds and grow many of these showy annuals for the flower beds or garden! China Asters are good as cut flowers in bouquets, beds, borders or pots because of their longevity.
Product code: 4050
1.14 €
How many Aster plants does your border need? Grow as many as you need from Aster seeds. This Aster Callistephus is such a showy annual. It is tall with huge double blooms that resemble a tiger's paw. This dark violet one is especially gorgeous.
Product code: 4022
1.14 €
Start some Aster seeds to grow this spectacular Aster Callistephus. Nothing will be brighter in your garden than this yellow Aster! Aster Duchess plants have an upright growth habit and 5-8 floral stems.
Product code: 4020
1.14 €
Your neighbors will admire these stunning Asters. If you're growing them from Aster seeds, be sure to grow a few more for your neighbors! These King Size Blue Asters have very large, double incurved petals and are somewhat similar to a fall chrysanthemum.
Product code: 3969
1.14 €
Sow Marigold seeds to have these bright apricot colored little gems blooming all summer long! There are so many benefits to these little 12 inch plants! They are ideal for small gardens, containers, borders and edging.
Product code: 3953
1.14 €
Amazing fully double blooms up to 7.5 cm (3in) in diameter, in a dazzling mixture of yellow, gold and crimson shades. Bushy plants create a dazzling display when used as an edging, in borders, rock gardens or containers.
Product code: 3929
1.14 €
Sweet little orange-red flowers that are absolutely lovely! Geum are members of the rose family, yet the blooms are small, about 1 inch in width, and they are born on long, strong stems. They make a great cut flower.
Product code: 3914
1.14 €
This wildflower seed produces an annual or short-lived herbaceous perennial that grows from 16 - 24 inches tall. Calendula flowers are daisy-like and come in colors of orange or yellow with single or double rows of petals.
Product code: 3906
1.14 €
This attractive tree has a loose crown which is rounded and open, and produces bunches of fragrant yellowish flowers in summer followed by persistent hop-like fruits. An excellent wildlife plant, it also produces copious nectar and pollen for insects.
Product code: 3852
1.14 €
An early strain of this superb tasting carrot. The medium-length, uniform, blunt ended, tubular roots are deep orange with a very small core. They perform well in heavy soil and are suitable for deep freezing.
Product code: 3829
1.14 €
Early variety for open ground and greenhouses. Plant grows as an average, compact bush with a lot of female flowers. Cylindrical, slightly ribbed, pale green to yellow zucchinis, weight 350-400g (15-14 oz.). Firm, juicy flesh with an excellent taste.
Product code: 3820
1.14 €
105 days. A unique and wonderful sweet pepper. Very long 45-60-cm fruit are curved and twisted, very slender, like a Cossack's sabre. This rare heirloom from Ukraine has a very rich flavor. Perfect for roasting, grilling, stirfry, use fresh in salads.
Product code: 3810
1.14 €
This is a mid-season variety, 118-120 days. The fruit is pear-shaped, with an average weight of 260 grams, dark purple color, in ripeness with a strong gloss and a smooth surface. The flesh is of mid density, white in color.
Product code: 3809
1.14 €
This is an early ripe variety. From germination to technical ripeness 108-110 days. The fruit is elongated, dark purple, in technical ripeness with a strong gloss and a smooth surface, the average weight of the fruit is 200 grams.
Product code: 3808
3.00 €
Grow these famous flowers from Edelweiss seeds! Edelweiss is a favorite wildflower of the Swiss Alps, best suited to growing in a well-drained rock garden, mass ground cover planting, or alpine trough.
Product code: 3807
1.14 €
This classic flower is, unfortunately, not as well-known as it should be. Not only is it beautiful, but it is very easy to grow from seed. Dame’s Rocket is also very resilient and can be successfully planted in both sun and shade.
Product code: 3805
1.14 €
A perennial cereal plant whose leaves are linear, wide, hard, gray-green, retracted at the end.
Product code: 3804
1.14 €
It is an annual plant, 20-30 centimeters tall. The bushes are sprawling, with very branched stems, during flowering they look like balls, sprinkled with simple red-brown inflorescences with a yellow center, 2-3 centimeters in diameter.
Product code: 3803
1.39 €
Appropriately-named as "The Hardy Gloxinia" with large, exotic-looking, mauve-pink trumpet-shaped blooms which appear before the foliage. Despite its exotic appearance, it is bone hardy as long as it is grown in well-drained soi.
Product code: 3802
1.14 €
This classic flower is, unfortunately, not as well-known as it should be. Not only is it beautiful, but it is very easy to grow from seed. Dame’s Rocket is also very resilient and can be successfully planted in both sun and shade.
Product code: 3801
1.14 €
An annual plant 25-35 cm high, which has large flowers, 3-4 cm in diameter, fragrant, of various colors.
Product code: 3761
1.14 €
A mid-season variety with unusual-looking fruits, a tall bush up to 1.5 m in height, forms clusters of 5-7 fruits, the tomatoes are large, brown-red in color, pear-shaped with small longitudinal ribs, dense and fleshy, weighing 100-150 grams.
Product code: 3760
1.14 €
A mid-season, semi-determinate tomato variety whose fruit is pear-shaped, yellow in color with slight ribs along it, fleshy, transportable.
Product code: 3705
1.14 €
Rare in the east, abundant in the lower Ohio valley and middle of Mississippi valley. Reaches its largest size in southern Illinois and Indiana. Bark: Light brown, scaly; on young stems light brown, smooth.
Product code: 3704
1.14 €
Ipomoea flowers, aptly named, because they are at their best in the early mornings, each last for just one day - but is replaced the following day by others. So, there is a continual supply of the startling blue flowers on the plant in the season.
Product code: 3700
1.39 €
Seeds that have been successfully pretreated will have swollen to around 2 to 3 times their previous size. Remove all swollen seeds as these will be damaged by further pretreatments. These can be sown immediately.
Product code: 3699
1.14 €
Five-petalled white flowers, resembling big white bluebottle flies, bloom in June on this unusual, rarely-seen, much-branched shrub which grows most commonly in lush woods on slopes, and around fields, and was being cultivated in Britain by 1683.
Product code: 3698
1.14 €
The Black Mulberry is a medium sized deciduous tree usually only to 20 to 30 feet, but can reach 70 feet. Trees are known to be very long lived and can bear fruit for several hundred years. Mulberry trees are either dioecious or monoecious.
Product code: 3697
1.14 €
Caragana arborescens, or Caragana or Siberian peashrub or Siberian peashrub, is a species of legume. It is a shrub growing to heights of 12 feet or more and is a perennial. Typically, it has a moderate to fast growth rate.
1.39 €
The Raspberry Sugana is a vigorous variety great for people who are restricted on space as they work well in pots and containers without losing any of the cropping potential. Make sure they are planted in well-drained.
Product code: 3695
1.14 €
The berries are collected in multi-berry clusters, beautiful, black, shiny, very large - up to 25 grams, round or rounded-elongated, oval, black with a glossy sheen, excellent sweet taste and delicate sourness.
Product code: 3694
1.14 €
A multi-stemmed deciduous shrub 2–8 m high, with flowers 6–10×5–8 mm, from lilac and violet to white, fragrant, long-lasting, collected in paired pyramidal, erect or drooping panicles.