Product code: 5893
1.14 €
Ultraearly variety, large heart-shaped pink fruits, occasionally very large, have a meaty texture, and a strong, sweet, old-fashioned flavour, whilst the skin is crack resistant. This variety copes well with dry conditions.
Product code: 5743
1.14 €
A 'potato-leaved' variety that produces excellent crops of particularly tasty, medium sized tomatoes. The rounded, rich red fruits attain average weights of 85g (3 oz) and are especially well flavoured when cultivated outdoors.
Product code: 6101
1.14 €
A strange tomato from the Ukraine, with nicely sized, globe shaped fruits that are covered in a golden fuzz. Fruits are plump and fairly juicy, with long keeper qualities that have them last off the vine well. Flavor is very mild.
Product code: 6070
1.14 €
Early maturing plant produces high yields of 3 to 4 oz bright yellow plum tomatoes. They are very sweet and flavorful. It has a high sugar content and special flavor. Perfect for salads and snacks. It has good shelf life.
Product code: 6127
1.14 €
Bogata Hata has solid, meaty, medium-sized, around 2 or 3 ounces with deep red globe shaped fruit with Vitamin C per fruit which is twice as much as most tomatos!-but you don't have to sacrafice taste!
Product code: 6112
1.14 €
Tsitrusovyy Sad is a glorious yellow pepper-shaped tomato from Russia with a pointed tip. A dozen of the 4 oz. fruit may be ripening on a single plant at any one time. Many people at the Santa Fe market claim this is their favorite yellow salad tomato.
Product code: 6155
1.14 €
The plant is low, plant up to 40 cm, on average 30-35 cm. The color of ripe fruits - red. The yield is 35-45 kg / 10 m². Within 15 days of fruiting yields up to 25-40% of the total crop. The fruit content: sugar - 3.3%, carotene - 1%, vitamin C - 12.1-18.
Product code: 10254
1.14 €
80 days from setting out transplants. Its vigorous plants produce produces continuous, heavy yields of consistent, clean, sweet and delicious, 14-18 oz. fruit. Heaven Delight tomato is an indeterminate (tall) variety and can be grown indoors.