Organic Naranjilla seeds
1.14 €
This is a fruit shrub; in appearance, lulo resembles a yellow tomato, but in taste it is something between strawberries, pineapple and tomato. Lulo is consumed raw.
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Product code: 10483
1.14 €
Called "Queen of the Herbs" in Ireland, where its tendency to grow under elder trees imbued it with elder’s magical reputation. In England it became a common treatment for "king’s evil," or scrofula (tuberculosis of the lymphatic glands).
Product code: 12281
4.97 €
Chinese mountain yam is one of the few tubers grown commercially in China and used extensively as a source of starch. Until recently this species was used only as an ornamental in the U.S, for the sweet smelling cinnamon like blossoms.
Product code: 12400
4.97 €
Much grown in the tropics for its delicious fruits. In this country it is grown for interest and as a foliage plant as it has large, handsome leaves. The leaves can be used for wrapping round pieces of tough meat with the object of tenderising them.
Product code: 12544
1.14 €
Originating from sunny pastures and open rocky sites, these long-lived perennials are ideal for gravel gardens, meadows and other naturalised planting schemes. Their bright yellow flowers take on an orange hue as they age.