Product code: 2080
1.14 €
Last March I received the most fabulous surprise. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. It is enclosed. When I saw his photo I had pepper. This name is what was written on the homemade pack.
Product code: 2078
1.14 €
Fire engine orange fruits overlaid with golden yellow stripes, fine, slightly acidic flavour, not unlike Green Zebra, start these Orange Zebra tomato seeds late season variety early and grow with protection from the rain.
Product code: 2075
1.14 €
Super early determinate variety: from germination to ripening 80-90 days, bush 40-70cm high, fruits weighing 80-110g, for growing in spring-summer rotation in open ground and film shelters with and without a garter to a support.
Product code: 2074
1.14 €
The Amana Orange tomato is an Iowa heirloom obtained from Gary Staley of Brandon, Florida, who named it for the Amana Colonies of Amana, Iowa, produces globe shaped, reddish orange beefsteak tomatoes that average 1-2 lbs. Indeterminate.
Product code: 2073
1.14 €
This is a mid-season, indeterminate, large-fruited, new original variety of tomatoes with large, flat-rounded, tasty fruits weighing 800 to 1500 grams. The yield of the variety reaches 5-7 kg per plant.
Product code: 2072
1.14 €
The annual plant has strong stems, up to 60 cm high, large inflorescences, 9 cm in diameter, pink in color, flowering begins in July and continues until frost, used in the design of flower beds, garden and balcony containers, as well as for cutting.
Product code: 2071
1.14 €
The annual plant has strong stems, up to 60 cm in height, large inflorescences, 9 cm in diameter, purple in color, flowering begins in July and continues until frost, used in the design of flower beds, garden and balcony containers, as well as for cutting
Product code: 2070
1.14 €
The annual plant has strong stems, up to 60 cm high, large inflorescences, 9 cm in diameter, red in color, flowering begins in July and continues until frost, used in the design of flower beds, garden and balcony containers, as well as for cutting.
Product code: 2065
1.14 €
A highly productive, mid-early variety of hot pepper, a compact bush, 45-60 cm high, long, narrow-triangular or trunk-shaped fruits, weighing 50-70g, with a smooth glossy surface, with a dense skin.
Product code: 2058
1.14 €
Jack O Lantern pumpkin seed reaches maturity in approximately 100 days. This plant requires consistently moist soil. Attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds.
Product code: 2039
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, powerful plant, 100-120 cm high, cuboidal fruit, weighing 200-500 grams, individual fruits up to 1 kg, fruit length 20 cm or more, wall thickness 6-10 mm.
Product code: 2036
1.39 €
The strawberries grow upright during the whole summer and a large part of the fall. You can harvest Regina till the first frosts. Very much loved by bees. Strawberries are delicious fruits and the flavour is nicest when they are really fresh.
Product code: 2024
7.10 €
Not as well known as trailing lobelia or petunia, but equally useful in hanging baskets and a host of other containers, Bacopa Snowtopia is both fast growing and very free flowering from seed. Its plants give a mass of single, white flowers.
Product code: 2023
1.14 €
A very nice mix of 100+ seeds composed of many different species of cacti and Succulents. You will get 100 seeds or more. You can sow the seeds using your own method.
Product code: 1999
1.14 €
Castor oil plant can reach a height of 1-2 metres. Gives a tropical feel to any garden. The glossy leaves are 15–45 cm long, long-stalked, alternate and palmate with 5–12 deep lobes with coarsely- toothed segments.
Product code: 1996
1.14 €
A mixture of mid-early radish varieties with a rounded shape and root vegetables that come in a variety of colors: intense red, yellow, white, pink and dark purple, growing this festive mixture will give you an impressive variety of radish fruits.
Product code: 1978
1.14 €
An annual plant, the leaves and seeds have a spicy mustard taste; the greens can be harvested when the plants reach a height of 15-20 cm; fresh leaves are used as food for preparing salads and side dishes; the seeds are added to marinades.
Product code: 1973
1.14 €
Great for sauerkraut! Slavia Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) is easy to grow and yields 8- to 10-pound, light-green heads. An excellent keeper that’s often used in slaws, salads, soups and stir fries!
Product code: 1967
1.14 €
This is a mid-season variety for open ground. The vegetation period from germination to fruiting 48-52 days. Duration of fruiting is 30-35 days. Fruits are dark green, tuberculate, elongated-oval in shape, 10-12 cm long, 70-80g in weight, good taste.
Product code: 1959
6.00 €
Subtropical tree or shrub, reaching 10-15 m in height, with brown smooth bark and bare shoots, the leaves are used as a spice (bay leaf), used against itch mites, for rheumatic pains, spasms, neuralgia.
Product code: 1924
5.99 €
The set includes seeds of the best and popular varieties of cucumbers with different ripening periods; all cucumbers have high yields and great taste.
Product code: 1918
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, tall bush, 140 cm high, pear-shaped fruits, smooth, dense, yellow in color, weighing 70 grams, good taste.
Product code: 1916
1.14 €
Clary is an herb plant that is well-known for its many uses. It is easy to grow from Clary seeds, in the mint family and related to common sage. Often it is called Clary Sage. The Clary Sage herb is a biennial having a 2-year life cycle.
Product code: 1915
1.14 €
Rumex sanguineus, known by a number of different common names including bloody dock or red-veined dock, is a tap-rooted rosette-forming perennial of the buckwheat family that typically grows in a rounded foliage clump to 18” tall and as wide.
Product code: 1905
1.14 €
Popular for fresh bouquets and dried floral arrangements, Strawflower is an excellent addition to containers or sunny borders. It establishes readily from Helichrysum seeds, and from late spring to fall.
Product code: 1904
1.14 €
Start scarlet Strawflower seed and produce these beautiful 2 inch wide daisy-like blooms. They also come in shades of bronze, cream, pink, purple, white and yellow. The flowers bloom on top of stems that reach 36 to 40 inches in height.
Product code: 1903
1.14 €
Easy and fast growing from Helichrysum seed, Strawflower, is a hardy perennial native to Australia. In most areas of the United States, however, it is grown as a summer annual. The 36-40 inch tall plants have 5 inch long lance-shaped leaves.
Product code: 1895
1.14 €
When it comes to sheer, delightful old-fashioned charm, hollyhocks can't be topped. The tall spikes, covered with huge crystal-red double flowers, bloom like mad from June through August.
Product code: 1889
3.00 €
Musa velutina is a very slender species from North East India, very fast growing. This ornamental banana grows to about 6 feet tall. The plant will stay smaller if grown as a container specimen for cooler climates.
Product code: 1879
1.14 €
Used for the manufacture of cigars and cigarettes. Has a green leaf, a cylindrical shape with a height of 150-160 plants cm. The number of days from germination until tender seedlings in greenhouses (cold ridge) is 47 days.
Product code: 1878
1.14 €
Refers to productive skeletal-aromatic varieties of medium ripening for the manufacture of skeletal and blended tobacco raw materials, this mid-ripening tobacco variety is drought-resistant and resistant to leaf burning, has improved smoking properties.
Product code: 1877
1.14 €
Refers to the skeletal-aromatic varieties of medium ripening for the manufacture of skeletal and blended tobacco raw materials, this mid-ripening tobacco variety is drought-resistant and resistant to leaf burning, has improved smoking properties.
Product code: 1876
1.14 €
Refers to aromatic varieties of late ripening for the manufacture of blended and skeletal tobacco raw materials, this mid-ripening tobacco variety has a high yield and increased drought resistance and resistance to leaf burning.
Product code: 1873
1.14 €
Plantain is edible and medicinal, the young leaves are edible raw in salad or cooked as a pot herb, they are very rich in vitamin B1 and riboflavin. The herb has a long history of use as an alternative medicine dating back to ancient times.
Product code: 1815
1.14 €
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) is an annual or biennial plant which belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is native to the Mediterranean region, but is now found throughout the world. It grows 30-200 cm tall, has red purple flowers.
Product code: 1806
1.14 €
A special series of eustomas for growing in pots, compact, highly branched plants 20-25 cm high, with a large-flowered form, double flowers, with several rows of petals.
1.14 €
A plant of the pumpkin family, young fruits are tender and fragrant, they are used as cucumbers, they are good in fried form, but the main purpose of luffa is to obtain a bath washcloth from its fibrous content, which is very healthy.
Product code: 1779
1.14 €
High-yielding, very popular, old French, mid-season pumpkin variety, the plant is strong, forms large red-orange, rounded-flattened, segmented fruits, with an average weight of 7-10 kg, orange flesh, sweet.
Product code: 1776
1.14 €
This is a mid-ripe variety with a slow formation of inflorescences. The stem is single, straight, branched or almost simple, 40-120 cm high, thinly furrowed, undressed, dark green, branched at the top, between branches bent.
Product code: 1765
1.14 €
Perique has leaves that are medium-sized, glossy in texture, gummy and tough but have fine fiber with small stems. It has been historically used as a smoking, chewing, cigar, and cigarette variety.