Product code: 12306
1.14 €
Browntop millet can sprout within five days of moisture. Browntop is also used as a cover crop or nurse grass for permanent or perennial grass plantings. When planting Browntop millet as a nurse crop or grass be sure NOT to plant more than 5-10 pounds.
Product code: 12305
1.50 €
Peter peppers range from medium-hot to pretty darn fiery (reportedly in the 20,000 to 30,000 Scoville Units range and are good tasting (great for spicing up salsa as well as conversation).
Product code: 12304
1.14 €
Grow this charming annual from Marigold seeds. It is a dwarf variety and early flowering with double crested flowers. The blooms are bi-colored with shades of red and orange, and they are so gorgeous that they demand a second look!
Product code: 12303
1.39 €
75 days. Phaseolus lunatus. Open Pollinated. Bush type plant produces high yields of delicious 5" long lima beans. Each pod contains 4 or 5 large lima beans. Excellent choice for home gardens and market growers.
Product code: 12302
1.14 €
Uniform, large onions with deep red color. Thick skin, very hard bulbs. Good red color in the rings. Better in higher latitudes than our other reds. Due to the late maturity, many growers choose to grow this from transplanting.
Product code: 12301
1.39 €
Broad Improved Long Pod beans are quite distinct from other beans, the upright plants bear 7" pods, containing 5 or 6 big flat oblong beans that are used in the green shell or dry stage. Cooked fresh or as a winter shell bean.
1.14 €
A medium-ripening variety, the pods are long, yellowish up to 10 cm - 12 cm, contain up to 8-12 grains, consistently productive, mature grains of amazing color - a third of the white bean is covered with a red spot, high-yielding.
Product code: 12299
1.39 €
Climbing plant, up to 3m. The vegetation period until the ripeness of grain is 100-120 days. The pods are thin, 30-80 cm long, green in color, fleshy, fiberless, tastier and sweeter than asparagus beans. Black beans.
Product code: 12298
1.14 €
An early maturing annual climbing vegetable plant, the main stem is up to 3 meters long with many lateral shoots, gives a lot of greenery and is successfully used in the garden for decorative purposes, for vertical gardening of hedges, gazebos, balconies.
Product code: 12297
1.39 €
Vigna mungo or also known in various common names such as Black Gram, Urd Bean, Black Matpe, and Black Mung Bean, is an erect, hairy, and bushy annual plant with a well-developed tap root and grows up to 100 cm in height.
1.14 €
A delicate parsley-like plant with a hint of licorice aroma, its delicate flavour disappears in cooking so add it just prior to serving or add raw leaves fresh to salads. Chervil likes to grow in a cool season, and it actually thrives in partial shade.
Product code: 12295
1.14 €
Cook's Garden Favorite. It takes the right varieties to survive the low light and low temperature conditions of fall and winter. This exclusive mix of our best fall and winter lettuces contains just what you'll need to extend the salad season.
Product code: 12294
1.14 €
Mid-season high-yielding variety. From germination to technical ripeness takes 85-95 days, to biological - 125-130 days. The stem is 1.8-2 m high. The ears are cylindrical, 20-25 cm long, weighing 250-300 grams. Grains are white, delicate, very sweet.
Product code: 12291
1.14 €
This amazing plant makes an amazingly fast growing shrubby-looking specimen, which, in a few weeks can either hide a small shed or be a lovely spot plant. It makes a tall spire of succulent and tasty, deep beetroot-red, triangular leaves.
Product code: 12290
1.14 €
A perennial herb of the lily family, up to 30 cm in height, The flowers are snow-white, fragrant, collected in a one-sided, slightly drooping loose brush, - a symbol of loyalty, love and tenderness.
Product code: 12281
4.97 €
Chinese mountain yam is one of the few tubers grown commercially in China and used extensively as a source of starch. Until recently this species was used only as an ornamental in the U.S, for the sweet smelling cinnamon like blossoms.
Product code: 12279
1.14 €
This is a superb cultivar, actually a hybrid between A.stipitatum and A.aflatunense. Giving vigorous plants, it produces in late spring long-lasting, six inch spheres of snowballs, each containing hundreds of pure white flowers.
Product code: 12278
1.14 €
Chrysanthemum-flowered aster "Comet" (Callistephus chinensis) is a very attractive annual plant. Asters in general belong to the most beautiful summer flowers that delight us with an exceptional colour palette and abundant blooming.
Product code: 12277
1.39 €
There's never been a raspberry like 'Fall Gold' before! It's everbearing, self-fertile, and sets two crops: one crop in fall, then another in spring. Prune it back after the spring berries are harvested, and you begin a new growing cycle. Wow!
Product code: 12276
1.14 €
Most yellow cherry tomatoes are grown mainly for their color not taste, but Cherry Gold has both full, sweet tomato flavor and jewel toned golden yellow fruits. These glossy 1 inch cherries are delicious eaten right from the vine, enjoyed for snacks.
Product code: 12275
1.14 €
Golden King Of Siberia tomato is a very tasty oxheart variety. They ripen to a really soft yellow about 80 days after transplant. Plants have the signature wispy leaves and are really good with diseases. Tomatoes are about 6-16 ounces.
Product code: 12274
1.14 €
The Cuore di Bue (oxheart) tomato is an old Italian variety of beefsteak tomato which is rarely offered in Germany. The up to 500 g, strongly ribbed, fleshy, light red fruits have a very thin skin, and are therefore not easily storable.
Product code: 12272
1.14 €
Medium early variety of tomatoes. The plant grows to a height of 200 cm. The fruits are heart-shaped, pink-red in color, weighing up to 400 g, tasty and juicy.
Product code: 12271
1.14 €
Mid-season variety of tomatoes. Plant ~150 cm in height. Fruits are round, weighing up to 100 g, dark pink with green stripes. Multiple variety.
Product code: 12270
1.14 €
Mid-late variety of tomatoes. The plant grows 80 cm in height. The fruits are rounded, yellow-orange, and pink inside. Variety of universal use.
Product code: 12269
1.14 €
If you are a lover of black tomatoes or if you have never tasted one, Vorlon tomato would be a good one to try. Vorlon is a well balanced tomato with softish flesh that melts in your mouth. This is a great tomato for sandwiches, salsas, and fresh eating.
Product code: 12268
1.14 €
It is slightly sweet with not too much juice. It is also a great sauce tomato because it’s meaty and dense. Because of its unique ribbing, it is also great for garnish. Fruits can reach 14 ounces. A great market variety.
Product code: 12267
1.14 €
85 days. Appropriately, American Ribbed Orange tomato is named because of its ribbed appearance. For me, this tomato has some very specific purposes. Fruits can reach 14 ounces. A great market variety.
Product code: 12266
1.14 €
Tomato Hubal is a medium early variety that shows high productivity. This determinate plant grows rapidly, developing slender stems. The fruit are gathered in clusters, a few per each, and may reach average weight of 120 - 140 g.
Product code: 12265
1.14 €
Late-rippening variety of Czech breeding. The plant is powerful, indeterminate. The fruits are bright yellow, shaped like lemons. In one brush about 30 fruits are formed. The weight of the fruit is 75-85 grams, the weight of the hand is up to 2.5 kg.
Product code: 12264
1.14 €
Bell Pepper shaped Czech variety. Horn of the Andes type, 200 g. Tight flesh, not very juicy but tasty. Few seeds and very good for hamburgers, sandwiches and salads.
Product code: 12263
1.14 €
Medium early, tall variety valued for unique looking (looks like an apple!), superb flavoured fruits. Suitable for growing in pots inside balconies, outside and green houses. One stem sets 20-25 fruits, each weighing apprx 40g (1.41oz). Fruits are meaty.
Product code: 12262
1.14 €
Czech variety. Mid-season (80-90 days) indeterminate variety with regular leafs. The inflorescence is composite, large number of flowers (fifteen or more), often one or two of them are megablooms.
Product code: 12261
1.50 €
The tree is medium-sized, the fruits are oval, the taste is good - 4.2 points, the fruits are intended for fresh consumption, as well as for preparing juice with pulp. Fruit ripens in early July. Self-fertile variety.
Product code: 12260
2.00 €
Plums as lovely as they are delicious. Attractive flowering trees produce a mouth-watering harvest of large, oblong purple fruits with succulent greenish-yellow flesh that turns red when cooked. Fruits are blessed with lovely intense flavor and sweetness.
Product code: 12259
1.14 €
An ancient hybrid escaped from gardens, cherry plum is a small, rounded deciduous tree found throughout southern Europe and southwestern Asia. In spring, it covers itself with white or light pink flowers.
Product code: 12258
2.00 €
Also known as the strawberry-raspberry for its strawberry-like creeping habit, the Balloon Berry is a woodland plant from Japan. Unlike most Rubus species, is not a cane fruit, but a low, ground-cover perennial or sub-shrub. The berries are very large.
Product code: 12257
1.39 €
Grow your own apricot fruit. The Apricot tree grows to 26-39 feet tall. The Apricot is slightly more cold hardy than the Peach tree and can tolerate winters up to - 30 degrees or lower if healthy.
Product code: 12256
1.14 €
We offer most of our sweet cherry trees on both standard (Mazzard) and dwarfing (Gisela) rootstocks. Mazzard rootstocks produce a vigorous tree with excellent anchorage and will begin bearing in 3 to 4 years. Mature trees will be 25 feet tall or more.
Product code: 12255
1.14 €
Prunus serotina, commonly called Black Cherry, Wild Black Cherry, Rum Cherry, or Mountain Black Cherry, is a woody plant species belonging to the genus Prunus. This cherry is native to eastern North America from southern Quebec and Ontario south.