Product code: 12437
1.14 €
The young leaves of this tree or shrub peony are flushed burgundy and in late spring, lustrous, single, white flowers appear among the handsome dark green foliage. This magnificent tree peony is ideal for a sunny border.
Product code: 12436
2.00 €
Today, Empress Tree is primarily grown as an ornamental tree for its large leaves and beautiful purple blooms that show in spring and early summer.
Product code: 12435
1.14 €
The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. It is noted for attracting wildlife. The bark is pale grey-brown and irregularly ridged, with characteristic large burrs and leaf shoots at the base of the tree.
Product code: 12434
1.14 €
Perennial woody vine. Native to Manchuria, northeastern China and Japan. The odoriferous pink or white flowers give way to bright red fruit which droops down in clusters from the vine. This is known as the many-flavored berry.
Product code: 12433
3.00 €
It is a large deciduous tree , growing up to 35 meters tall (exceptionally to 47 m), with a trunk up to 1 m diameter. The leaves are 15-30 cm long, pinnate, with 7-11 leaflets, each leaflet lanceolate, 7-13 cm long.
Product code: 12432
3.00 €
Carya laciniosa (Kingnut Hickory / Shellbark Hickory) is a slow-growing tree from the Walnut Family. Shellbark Hickory enjoys partial to full sun and moist conditions in deep loam or silt soils.
Product code: 12431
3.00 €
Hickories are related to walnuts and have similar growing requirements. They prefer full sun to partial shade and grow best in soil that is deep, fertile, and moist but well-drained. Shagbark hickories produce a long taproot.
Product code: 12430
1.14 €
Native to the eastern and central regions of North America. Bur oak is a long-lived, large deciduous tree with a massive trunk and furrowed bark. It is an attractive and resilient ornamental tree which grows well in cities.
Product code: 12429
3.00 €
The Butternut tree is really something special! Not only is it a striking shade tree, it's also a wonderful food source. Similar in appearance to Black Walnut, Butternut is sometimes called White Walnut because of the light colour of the bark and wood.
Product code: 12427
1.14 €
Deciduous tree, tall (up to 20-25 meters) trunk reaches 1 meter in diameter, spreading, sparsely branched crown, one of the very winter-hardy representatives of the nut family, which is of economic value.
Product code: 12426
1.14 €
Noble fir is native to a limited area on the Pacific Coast region of North America, growing in the Cascades from the northern border of the state of Washington south to the border between Oregon and California.
1.14 €
Tree to 15 m tall, with trunk to 0.6 m in diameter. Bark light gray, becoming scaly with age and ultimately slightly furrowed at the base. Branchlets without hairs, slightly grooved between the leaf bases. Buds 4-5(-9) mm long, not prominently resinous.
Product code: 12424
1.14 €
Manchurian Fir (Abies holophylla) The Manchurian Fir tree is native to mountain regions of Russia, Northern Korea and China. It grows in elevations up to 5,000 feet. The Manchurian Fir tree grows in pyramidal form up to 100 feet tall.
Product code: 12423
1.14 €
Balsam fir is a native tree of Canada and grows to be a medium sized tree typically ranging from 15-20 m (50-66') in height. It makes a nice specimen for larger landscapes and is of considerable importance in the Christmas tree trade.
Product code: 12422
1.14 €
The highlands of Greece reveal stands of this tall evergreen conifer, appropriately known as the Grecian fir. It grows on calcareous and alkaline soils at elevations between 1,800 and 7,000 feet. When mature, the tree's silhouette is tall.
1.14 €
A beautiful evergreen tree, the Cilician fir produces a pointy top and dense foliage and branches that grow on upward-growing branches that persist on the lowest parts of the trunk. This slow-growing conifer is native to highland pockets from Lebanon.
Product code: 12420
1.14 €
The Nordmann Fir has very dark green needles and dark bark. It has horizontal branching and a dense habit. It is often used as a Christmas tree in Europe and can be grown in a container for several years.
Product code: 12406
1.14 €
Fabulous, sweet fruity taste in a huge, clear lemon-yellow beefsteak tomato make this variety outstanding. Some of the 1 to 2 lb. fruit have a pink blush on their blossom ends. This is an heirloom variety that grows on large plants.
Product code: 12405
1.14 €
Dark Queen is a purple bi-color tomato that can reach 10 ounces. Its vines are not too tall, perhaps 5 feet, and produce a later crop of really good slicers. Fruits begin to ripen about 85 days after transplant and go all the way till frost.
Product code: 12404
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, plant up to 1,4 m. Fruits are orange-blue, with blue strips and spots. The flesh is orange in pink spots, weight is 600-800 grams. Some fruits grow to 1 kg or more. The taste is excellent, very fragrant, with exotic fruits.
Product code: 12403
1.14 €
Medium-sized blue tomato with high anthocyanin content. Healthy vines produced well all season long. Gorgeous colored blue-yellow juicy fruits with sweet favor and hint of citrus grow up to 150 g.
Product code: 12402
1.14 €
Early ripe, productive grade, with high, strong plants to 2 meters. The fruits are round, yellow in color, weighing 15-20 grams. Dense, crack-resistant, not showered, even when overriding. The taste is unique, as if with the addition of a flavor.
Product code: 12401
1.78 €
A mid-season variety, the fruits are beautiful, ribbed, orange-brown, weighing 6-8 kg, the wall with aromatic pulp is thick, bright, very sweet, the fruit contains more than 10% of dry matter, the taste is wonderful.
Product code: 12400
4.97 €
Much grown in the tropics for its delicious fruits. In this country it is grown for interest and as a foliage plant as it has large, handsome leaves. The leaves can be used for wrapping round pieces of tough meat with the object of tenderising them.
Product code: 12399
4.97 €
The Feijoa or Pineapple Guava is a container plant with green, egg-shaped fruits that taste sweet-sour and smell like pineapples. They can be eaten fresh or, for example, be mixed in salads or pies.
Product code: 12398
3.47 €
4.97 € (Sale: 30%)
A large shrub, originally native to montane forests in the Andes of South America, but now widely cultivated for its delicious fruits, which, under a thin, green peel, has very sweet, soft, white, custard-like flesh that can be scooped out with a spoon.
Product code: 12397
1.14 €
Large mounds of wavy, green, glossy, pointed leaves demonstrate both sun and drought tolerance. Fragrant, white flowers appear on 35" to 40" scapes in late summer; fragrance is most pronounced in the evening.
Product code: 12396
1.14 €
Although now commonly referred to simply as 'Navy' beans, into the middle part of the twentieth century they were more commonly known as "Navy Peas." This name is in reference to it being a staple food stock for the American Navy in the early years.
Product code: 12395
1.39 €
One of the best shelling varieties. The plant is short, strong, early ripe, in which the ripening of the first pods occurs by 55-60 days. Beans with a beautiful oblong shape and a length of 1.5-2 cm, dark red with small patches of white.
Product code: 12394
1.14 €
Superearly undersized, over-productive variety of tomato. Plant up to 80 cm high, not thick, requires a garter, but can be grown without support and pinching. Fruits are round, red, dense, fleshy, weighing up to 100 grams.
Product code: 12393
1.14 €
Pink Elephant is a 10-16 ounce beefsteak that grows on potato leaf vines. Fruits are intense, with plenty sweetness and very juicy. It’s a great sandwich and slicing tomato. Vines are great with diseases. First fruits ripen about 80 days after transplant.
Product code: 12392
1.14 €
One of the most popular dessert varieties, the plant is medium-sized, the fruits are heart-shaped, large, pink-raspberry color from 100 to 400 grams, a characteristic feature of this tomato variety is the presence of fruits of various shapes and weights o
Product code: 12391
1.14 €
Mid-early large-fruited variety of Siberian breeders. The plant is strong, 100-170 cm tall. The fruits are crimson-red, fleshy, beautifully heart-shaped. The skin is thick, smooth.
Product code: 12390
1.14 €
Early ripe watermelon variety. Ripens on 70 - 80 day after emergence of shoots. The fruits are large, round, weighing 2.7-3.0 kg. The surface of the fruit is smooth, the color is black and green the pattern is slightly noticeable narrow strips with a wax.
Product code: 12389
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, slightly ribbed fruits, red, weighing 350-400 grams, very fleshy, dense, of exceptional taste, resistant to cladosporia, TMV and black bacterial spot, resistant to cracking.
Product code: 12388
1.14 €
This is an early variety of sweet pepper. Fruits of cubical form 10x10cm, thick-walled, four-chamber, weighing 200-220 grams. In technical ripeness, the fruit is green, in biological - red. fruits have high taste and high sugar content.
Product code: 12387
1.14 €
Snow Green is a fantastic variety that produces high numbers of long thin stringless mange-tout pods with good tolerance to hot weather. It is perfect steamed or eaten straight from the plant.
Product code: 12386
1.14 €
This is an early variety of sweet pepper. Fruits of cubical form 10x10cm, thick-walled, four-chamber, weighing 200-220 grams. In technical ripeness, the fruit is green, in biological - yellow. fruits have high taste and high sugar content.
1.14 €
This is a mid late beet variety. Vegetation period - 125 days. It has large cylindrical root crops of dark red color, without concentric rings, with sweet pulp, weighing 250-300 grams. It is suitable for fresh use, processing and long storage.
Product code: 12381
1.14 €
This is a mid-late variety of beets with homogeneous cylindrical juicy root crops of dark red color without concentric rings 5-7 cm in diameter. The variety has a low tendency to diseases. It is recommended for the fresh use, processing and storage.