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Fruit Trees Seeds

Fruit Trees Seeds

Coniferous Trees Seeds

Coniferous Trees Seeds

Ornamental Trees Seeds

Ornamental Trees Seeds

Shrub Seeds

Shrub Seeds

Deciduous Tree Seeds

Deciduous Tree Seeds

Siberian peashrub Seeds (Caragana arborescens)
Product code: 3697
1.14 €
Caragana arborescens, or Caragana or Siberian peashrub or Siberian peashrub, is a species of legume. It is a shrub growing to heights of 12 feet or more and is a perennial. Typically, it has a moderate to fast growth rate.
Product code: 4298
1.14 €
Cotoneaster is a low growing, colorful shrub with attractive small flowers, berries and fall foliage color. The long spreading branches look particularly attractive when grown to cascade down a wall or bank. It can also be used as a ground cover.
Product code: 4296
1.14 €
The Cornelian Cherry or Cherry Dogwood is an early blooming small dogwood bearing tiny yellow flowers. A year-round ornamental with nice fall colors and edible 3/4-inch bright scarlet berries.
Product code: 15347
1.14 €
Mid-late variety of universal purpose, fruits are pink, with dense pulp, rounded, weighing up to 9 grams, yellow-pink color, the stone is round, medium in size, well behind the pulp, the flesh is light yellow, dense, cartilaginous.
Product code: 15346
1.14 €
Late-ripening variety, fruits - yellow-pink, at full maturity covered with a bright red blush, sweet, large, weighing 8-9 grams, the pulp of berries is creamy, sweet, juicy, dessert.
Product code: 15345
2.00 €
A variety of medium ripening, trees are frost-resistant, vigorous, productive, fruits ripen in the second decade of August, fruits are flat, weighing 100-120 grams, with an integumentary red blush, ripen in mid-August.
Product code: 15343
2.00 €
Mid-late American variety, characterized by large fruits, excellent commercial qualities, average weight 180 - 200 grams, round shape, yellow-red color, yellow flesh, dense, sweet, well separated from the stone.
Product code: 13583
1.14 €
Trees reach a height of 5 meters and more, have a neat crown in the form of an oval, the fruits ripen medium, weighing up to 30 grams, have a maroon color and tender pulp, tolerates pruning well.
Product code: 13577
1.14 €
The variety is self-fertile, the fruits are large, broadly rounded, weighing 8-9 grams, the pulp is light creamy, dense, of high
Product code: 12260
2.00 €
Plums as lovely as they are delicious. Attractive flowering trees produce a mouth-watering harvest of large, oblong purple fruits with succulent greenish-yellow flesh that turns red when cooked. Fruits are blessed with lovely intense flavor and sweetness.
Product code: 12259
1.14 €
An ancient hybrid escaped from gardens, cherry plum is a small, rounded deciduous tree found throughout southern Europe and southwestern Asia. In spring, it covers itself with white or light pink flowers.
Product code: 12257
1.39 €
Grow your own apricot fruit. The Apricot tree grows to 26-39 feet tall. The Apricot is slightly more cold hardy than the Peach tree and can tolerate winters up to - 30 degrees or lower if healthy.
Product code: 12256
1.14 €
We offer most of our sweet cherry trees on both standard (Mazzard) and dwarfing (Gisela) rootstocks. Mazzard rootstocks produce a vigorous tree with excellent anchorage and will begin bearing in 3 to 4 years. Mature trees will be 25 feet tall or more.
Product code: 12255
1.14 €
Prunus serotina, commonly called Black Cherry, Wild Black Cherry, Rum Cherry, or Mountain Black Cherry, is a woody plant species belonging to the genus Prunus. This cherry is native to eastern North America from southern Quebec and Ontario south.
Product code: 3050
1.14 €
Punica granatum is native to the area from Iran to the Himalayas. It grows up to 5-6 meters high. It has a marvelous naturally-twisting style trunk that very easily adopts a gnarled, ancient appearance.
Product code: 1562
1.39 €
Bare root Almond trees are a great addition to your garden, providing both a delicious and nutritious crop but also a beautiful tree. Almonds make a great tree for your garden. They not only provide a delicious and nutritious crop.
Product code: 3522
1.14 €
From Japan and China, where it can be found climbing to the tops of the tallest trees, comes this rather fine, strong-growing, twining climber with bristly-toothed leaves and bearing in summer clusters of three or so fragrant.
Product code: 4468
1.14 €
Fragrant white spring flowers, shiny reddish-brown bark and edible scarlet fruit make the Nanking cherry a favorite for mass plantings and borders. ​​​​​​​This is a vigorous, adaptable shrub particularly suited to the cold winters and hot summers.
Product code: 4462
3.14 €
Blueberries are expensive at the market, but you can grow your own for relatively very low cost. Fill your yard with rows of the fruit-bearing berry bushes. Highbush Blueberry, which is native to North America.
Product code: 12420
1.14 €
The Nordmann Fir has very dark green needles and dark bark. It has horizontal branching and a dense habit. It is often used as a Christmas tree in Europe and can be grown in a container for several years.
Organic Korean Pine Seeds (Pinus Koraiensis) SALE
Product code: 10143
1.50 €
2.50 € (Sale: 40%)
Korean Pine nuts are the most commonly sold pine nut in international commerce. Fresh (shelled) pine nuts often sell for as much as $25/lb. Also known as pignoli nuts, Korean pine seeds can be consumed as a healthy source of protein.
Product code: 13579
1.50 €
It is one of the most beautiful types of pine, due to which it is widely used in landscaping. Suitable for planting in large and medium-sized gardens, squares, parks, looks especially good in garden compositions.
Product code: 12445
2.00 €
Shrub with ascending trunks or one trunk, pin-shaped crown or creeping with many trunks, gray-brownish bark, scaly, exfoliates in irregular plates, young shoots are light green, later brown.
Product code: 10215
1.39 €
The Dwarf Mountain Pine is particularly slow-growing. This spreading conifer will stay neat and compact for many years, eventually forming a mound of spreading branches covered by dense green needles.
Product code: 13580
1.14 €
The tree can withstand up to -30 ° C, the crown of the plant is regular, conical, needles 2-4 cm long. The tree can grow in partial shade, but loves fertile soils, an excellent decoration for gardens and parks. single and group landings.
Product code: 13581
1.14 €
A powerful, tall tree with a wide conical crown, an excellent decoration for gardens and parks, the high decorative qualities of the monochromatic fir are best manifested when standing alone and in loose, small groups.
Product code: 13578
1.14 €
An evergreen coniferous tree originating from the western regions of North America, which reaches a height of 100m with a trunk thickness of up to 4m.
Product code: 7950
1.14 €
Japanese Larch is a medium-sized to large deciduous coniferous tree native to Japan, reaching 20–40 m tall, with a trunk up to 1 m diameter. The crown is broad conic; both the main branches and the side branches are level.
Product code: 6866
1.14 €
The Common Juniper has the largest range of any woody plant, throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere ranging from the Arctic south through mountainous areas to around 30°N latitude in North America, Europe and Asia.
Product code: 6840
1.14 €
Thua Giant is native to the north western United States and south western Canada, from south eastern Alaska and British Columbia south east through Washington and Oregon to the far north west of California.
Product code: 6836
1.14 €
L. decidua is a medium-size to large deciduous coniferous tree reaching 25-45m tall, with a trunk up to 1m diameter (exceptionally, to 55m tall and 2 m diameter). The crown is conic when young, becoming broad with age.
Product code: 1556
1.14 €
An upright columnar evergreen for home landscape use, featuring dense deep green foliage all year long; eventually grows quite tall, excellent for vertical emphasis, hardy and adaptable, takes pruning well.
Product code: 12422
1.14 €
The highlands of Greece reveal stands of this tall evergreen conifer, appropriately known as the Grecian fir. It grows on calcareous and alkaline soils at elevations between 1,800 and 7,000 feet. When mature, the tree's silhouette is tall.
Product code: 12423
1.14 €
Balsam fir is a native tree of Canada and grows to be a medium sized tree typically ranging from 15-20 m (50-66') in height. It makes a nice specimen for larger landscapes and is of considerable importance in the Christmas tree trade.
Product code: 12425
1.14 €
Tree to 15 m tall, with trunk to 0.6 m in diameter. Bark light gray, becoming scaly with age and ultimately slightly furrowed at the base. Branchlets without hairs, slightly grooved between the leaf bases. Buds 4-5(-9) mm long, not prominently resinous.
Product code: 12426
1.14 €
Noble fir is native to a limited area on the Pacific Coast region of North America, growing in the Cascades from the northern border of the state of Washington south to the border between Oregon and California.
Product code: 11830
1.78 €
An evergreen tree with fan-like branches and scaly leaves. Unlike the closely related species, Thuja plicata (Western Redcedar), it is only a small tree. Growing to a height of 10-20 m tall with a 0.4 m trunk diameter, exceptionally to 30 m tall.
Product code: 10020
1.14 €
Thuja orientalis a shrub or small tree, 15mt. tall, with a dense crown and thin, reddish brown bark, native of China, grown successfully in forests in Bihar. And frequently planted for ornament all over India, particularly in hill-stations.
Product code: 10144
1.14 €
An upright pyramidal evergreen for home landscape use, featuring dense deep green foliage all year long; eventually grows quite tall, excellent for vertical emphasis, hardy and adaptable, takes pruning well best with some sun, protect from drying winds.
Organic American Linden Seeds (Tilia americana) NEW
Product code: 12449
1.14 €
Deciduous tree, reaching a height of 20 - 35 (up to 45) meters with a trunk diameter of up to 1.2 meters, spreading crown, branches often drooping, flowering occurs at the beginning or middle of summer, the main pollinators are bees.
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