Product code: 3164
1.14 €
Stunning dark purple-black foliage counterpoints non-stop blaze of long-stemmed blooms all summer and into the fall. There’s a fresh fashionable passion for dahlias, the classic, beloved ornamental beauty. Stunning new dahlias, in vivid cool hues.
Product code: 3163
1.14 €
Start Candytuft seeds to grow this hardy perennial ground cover. Iberis Sempervirens Candytuft is a low, semi-woody, densely growing, upright-stemmed, spreading ground cover plant that reaches 10 inches tall.
Product code: 3162
1.14 €
Coronilla originally from the Iberian Peninsula. Because of their few demands and splendid bloom looks they are often seen as ornamental plant in parks. It flowers early, towards the end of February or March, and its flowers have a pleasant scent.
Product code: 3161
1.14 €
Prefers open sunny areas, but tolerates slight shading, is frost-resistant, grows in any garden soil.
Product code: 3160
1.14 €
Money Plant seeds are often grown for their fall display of papery coin-shaped seed cases, but the violet flowers are quite striking in the spring and the plant can be appreciated strictly for the flowers alone. Common names: Money Plant, Honesty.
Product code: 3159
1.39 €
This distinctive evergreen forms tidy bright-blue bunches, which make this plant one of the most ornamental of the drought-tolerant, fine textured, cold-country grasses. Blue Festuca will be a real attention-getter in your lawn.
Product code: 3158
1.14 €
No summer garden should be without these lovely blooms nodding in the breeze! Easily established from Cosmos seeds, these annuals are large branching plants with deep green fern-like leaves.
Product code: 3157
1.14 €
Hummingbirds cannot resist Cypress Vines! The star-shaped rose colored blooms are rich in nectar, and hummingbirds love them. To bring hummingbirds to your garden, start Cypress Vine flower seeds and grow this twining vine that grows easily and quickly.
Product code: 3155
1.14 €
The stems are branched, 20-40 cm high, the flowers are large, cup-shaped, semi-double, 4-6 cm in diameter, two-tone pink-carmine in color.
Product code: 3153
1.14 €
Carnations also make wonderful bedding and border plants and have a spicy-sweet fragrance and are attractive to bees and butterflies. Throughout the centuries the popularity of Carnation flowers has remained undiminished.
Product code: 3151
1.14 €
No matter what your landscape is like, a formal flower garden or smaller borders with wildflowers, these dwarf Cornflowers, with their pure white blooms, will add a charming presence. This white Cornflower seed, or known as Bachelor's Button flower.
Product code: 3150
1.14 €
This dwarf Cornflower variety only reaches 12 - 18 inches tall, and is a great height for borders and beds. Cornflowers make excellent cut flowers. The blooms last in the vase well, and they also dry nicely for everlasting arrangements.
Product code: 3149
1.14 €
Moss Rose seeds are great to grow for intense color and fast spreading plants. These orange Portulaca flowers nearly glow on top the green, succulent foliage! What a great attention-getter! Moss Rose works well as a ground cover plant.
Product code: 3148
1.14 €
These sun-loving plants are easy to start from Moss Rose seeds. Gardeners are rewarded by the Moss Rose flowers and the easy-to-grow, low maintenance ground cover plants that are so versatile and hardy.
Product code: 3147
1.14 €
White Ageratum is a relatively short perennial plant that grows around 10 to 20 centimetres in height. This ageratum variety develops distinctive white flowers, which form umbellate inflorescences.
Product code: 3146
1.14 €
Nothing is sweeter growing in the garden than Alyssum, and these flower seeds make it so easy to have lots of it! Alyssum Rosie O'Day is marked by clumps of foliage covered with numerous rich, rosy-pink, fragrant flowers, that bloom from spring.
Product code: 3145
1.14 €
Flowering begins in June and lasts until autumn; for continuous flowering, faded inflorescences are periodically cut off and used to decorate flower beds, rocky slides and balcony boxes.
Product code: 3144
1.14 €
The flowers are small, of various colors, collected in small inflorescences, with a pleasant honey aroma; the seeds are sown in open ground in April-June in sunny areas.
6.10 €
A little-known edible mushroom, used fresh and pickled, the flesh is thin, leathery, tough, white.
6.10 €
Hat: 8-12 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped, with a rolled edge, white, covered with brown or almost black scales. Records: narrow, descending along the stem, whitish or cream.
Product code: 3091
1.14 €
Generally grown as an annual, the plants are semi-sprawling bushes in structure and generally left unsupported. They are very productive throughout the gardening season until first frost kills them.
Product code: 3090
1.14 €
Salsola komarovii, is considered one of Japan’s oldest vegetables. A gourmet speciality, popularly known as Okahijiki, it gets its name from the fact that it looks like seaweed (hijiki), but grows on land (oka).
Product code: 3087
1.14 €
Upright, vigorous variety excellent for greenhouse or high tunnel production. Attractive green leaf with similar growth rate to Parris Island, but darker in color and more rounded in leaf shape; lighter than Aerostar with a wider leaf.
Product code: 3086
1.14 €
The plant forms a small rosette of burgundy-green leaves, curly along the edge; the presence of vitamins and minerals makes this crop useful for consumption.
Product code: 3085
1.14 €
The plant forms a small rosette of intense green leaves with curly edges. The presence of vitamins and minerals makes this crop useful for consumption.
Product code: 3084
1.14 €
The presence of vitamins and minerals makes this crop useful for consumption. The leaves are used in a variety of salads, side dishes for meat and fish dishes.
Product code: 3082
1.14 €
Frenzy is a very uniform Tres Fine Maraichere endive type. The leaves are finely cut with a heart that blanches to a creamy yellow while also being tip burn tolerant.
Product code: 3081
1.14 €
Celtuce is named after its characteristics that are somewhat like a cross between celery and lettuce. Younger leaves are picked and used like normal lettuce, stems are used as a vegetable and have a flavour that is comparable to celery.
Product code: 3080
1.14 €
The leaves are wavy, red-brown in color, fleshy, crispy and juicy, with good taste. The variety is productive, resistant to downy mildew, and suitable for all-season cultivation.
Product code: 3079
1.14 €
Fresh leaves are used as herbs, seasonings for soups and gravies, they are added to vegetable salads, meat and fish dishes, and snacks.
Product code: 3078
1.14 €
The sweet crispy light green leaves of this slow growing variety are upright and form a well filled heart. Plants are strong against bolting and tip burn. Appropriate for hydroponic, open field and protected culture.
Product code: 3075
1.14 €
Berseem clover suppresses weeds, prevents erosion, and fixes nitrogen in the soil. Often called the “king of forage” Berseem germinates rapidly, grows quickly, and produces abundant biomass which breaks down to replenish organic matter.
Product code: 3071
1.14 €
This is an annual aromatic plant containing essential oils. The bushes are compact, well leafy. Has a strong smell of lemon. Used in fresh form as a green salad, spicy additive in cooking and canning.
Product code: 3070
1.14 €
Cinnamon basil is a rare treat your garden should not be without. A distinctly different variety from the commonly grown species Ocimum basilicum, it is very easy to cultivate, delicious, and useful in the garden.
Product code: 3057
2.00 €
A small thorny shrub from the genus Plum, 3.5-4.5 m high, less often a low-growing tree no higher than 8 m, growing, forms dense thorny and impassable thickets, edible fruits similar to a plum, up to 12 mm in diameter.
Product code: 3051
3.00 €
Large, red, vitamin-filled berries are produced on evergreen plants in mid to late summer. The cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is an evergreen, ground-cover plant native to North America which flourishes in boggy conditions and contains very few seeds.
Product code: 3050
1.14 €
Punica granatum is native to the area from Iran to the Himalayas. It grows up to 5-6 meters high. It has a marvelous naturally-twisting style trunk that very easily adopts a gnarled, ancient appearance.
Product code: 3037
1.14 €
Classic Hungarian hot pepper with a rich flavor. Heat is high but not too extreme. Round, red cherry shaped fruit are about 1” wide and deep red when ripe. Relatively thick walls for a hot pepper make this variety great for hot sauce and stuffing.
Product code: 3032
1.14 €
This perfect carving and pie pumpkin is one of the earliest maturing pumpkins in the garden. Whether you have a short growing season, or simply didn't plan ahead to get conventional pumpkins in the ground in time.
Product code: 3027
1.14 €
Violetta di Firenze / Italian Lavender and White Eggplant. A beautiful and unusual Eggplant that will be one of the surprise stars in your garden. The oblong to round fruits in shades of rich Lavender colour are sometimes striped with a creamy white.