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«Black Cherry» - Organic Tomato Seeds
Product code: 5360
1.14 €
Black Cherry is a lovely jewel of a tomato, still fairly rare, they are the only truly black cherry tomato available, perfectly round with the classic black tomato flavour, sweet yet rich and complex, eat them as you would strawberries!
Product code: 5359
1.14 €
Huge Lemon Oxheart Tomato is a delightful tomato that is a pleasure to eat and grow, it is medium sweet and mild, let it ripen well and you will experience a great tomato that can fit into many different applications.
Product code: 5358
1.14 €
An enchantingly beautiful tomato, similar to the very popular Indigo Rose variety, though in this case it combines the color of black with live pink, fruits are large, can reach up to 150 grams, which is perfect for eg sandwiches, the taste of sweet wine.
Product code: 5355
1.14 €
Snow White is loaded with sweet fruity flavor (with a welcome note of pineapple) and fragrance, compact indeterminate plants produce an outsize yield of delectable 1-2 oz. fruits.
Product code: 5354
1.14 €
Dwarf Sleeping Lady tomato plants grow to about 4 feet in five gallon pots and about 3 feet in the ground, during spring and summer, sweet, juicy and flavorful, I am sure that you will enjoy them too, great eating tomato.
Product code: 5351
1.14 €
A delightful blue tomato and probably the tastiest of the blue cherry types, ultra early, height: 1.1m, the fruit are globe shaped, weight 30-40g each, Blue Pitts bears medium to large sized cherry tomato fruits which ripen to a deep red.
«Semira» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5350
1.14 €
3.13 € (Sale: 63%)
Ultra-early standard variety, fruits are round, smooth, red in color, weighing 100 grams, very beautiful, with exceptional yield and disease resistance.
«Semipalatinsk» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5349
1.14 €
3.07 € (Sale: 62%)
Mid-ripening variety, round, smooth, red-pink fruits, weighing 800 grams, very beautiful, of exceptional yield and disease resistance.
Product code: 5348
1.14 €
Early production, beautiful color, delicious flavor - this is one nice tomato, Sugar produces lots of medium-size, round, purple-brown fruits, the dark red interior has a rich flavor with none of that muddy taste that is the bane of some black tomatoes.
«White sugar» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5347
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, round-flat, smooth, white fruits, weighing 300 grams, very beautiful, of exceptional yield and disease resistance.
Product code: 5346
1.14 €
Rare, hard to find variety! Rose Quartz Multiflora produce numerous bunches of delicious pink cherry tomatoes. Large clusters of 100-150 tomatoes each mature in 75 days. Like the standard Rose Quartz fruits have the same nice deep pink, iridescent color.
«Rome» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5345
1.14 €
3.60 € (Sale: 68%)
Medium late variety, flat, smooth, red fruits, weighing 2000 grams, very beautiful, of exceptional yield and disease resistance.
Product code: 5344
1.14 €
An interesting and fun tomato with a ghostly color, ripening to an off white-cream, with subtle tones of pink, these large-sized cherry tomatoes also have a slight fuzziness, adding to their fun appearance, fruits to 3 oz and have a good, sweet flavor.
«Bride» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5342
1.14 €
2.50 € (Sale: 54%)
A very early variety, round, smooth, yellow-orange colored, 10 grams in weight, very beautiful, of exceptional yield and disease resistance.
«Mimosa» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5341
1.14 €
3.53 € (Sale: 67%)
A very early variety, the fruits are round, smooth, red, weighing 130 grams, very beautiful, of exceptional yield and disease resistance.
Product code: 5340
1.14 €
An early ripening variety, the fruits are round, smooth, red, weighing 20-25 grams, very beautiful, exceptional yield and disease resistance.
«Manicure» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5339
1.14 €
2.76 € (Sale: 58%)
Mid-ripening variety, plum-shaped fruits, smooth, yellow, weighing 25 grams, very beautiful, exceptional yield and disease resistance.
Product code: 5338
1.14 €
A very pretty tomato and one of the best for straight from the vine eating, medium-sized, bright orange fruits glow with neon intensity against 36" vines, a high yielder and good keeper, producing loads of tasty, 3 to 5 oz.
Product code: 5337
1.14 €
Beauty Lottringa tomatoes turned every head that walked through our gardens. Huge, flattish, ruffled tomatoes grew on shorter vines(perhaps 4 feet tall) and were awesome all season long. These had absolutely no signs of diseases.
«Reckless Wheels» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5336
1.14 €
2.67 € (Sale: 57%)
A mid-season variety, the fruits are round, smooth, red-pink in color, weighing 300 grams, very beautiful, of exceptional yield and disease resistance.
«Ei von Phuket» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5334
1.14 €
2.78 € (Sale: 58%)
Mid-ripening variety, plum-shaped fruits, smooth, pink in color, weighing 25 grams, very beautiful, of exceptional yield and disease resistance.
Product code: 5333
1.14 €
This new purple tomato, unlike its red cousins, contains high levels of anthocyanins, this naturally occurring chemical found in dark fruit pigments such as blueberries and grapes, acts as an antioxidant, chocolate Cherry produces heavy yields.
«Queen of the North» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5330
1.14 €
2.32 € (Sale: 50%)
Medium early variety, fruits are round, smooth, red, weighing 120 grams, very beautiful, with exceptional yield and disease resistance.
«Fruit cherry» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5329
1.14 €
2.89 € (Sale: 60%)
An early ripe variety, the fruits are round, smooth, red in color, weighing 20-30 grams, very beautiful, of exceptional productivity and disease resistance.
Product code: 5327
1.14 €
An heirloom from Tlacolula, Mexico, indeterminate, regular leaf plant produces flattish ribbed, pouched-shaped, 10 -16 oz., jade to dark-pink fruit with some occasional light green striping, slightly hollow, firm flesh with moderate juice.
«Blue wonder» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5325
1.14 €
3.65 € (Sale: 68%)
A mid-season variety, the fruits are round, smooth, a red-black spot remains on the apical part of the fruit, the rest is covered with blue to the stem, which looks like absolutely black, weighing 100-120 grams.
Product code: 5324
1.14 €
Great White is the largest of the white tomato varieties, and has excellent resistance to sun scald, drought, and cracking, the flesh is so good and deliciously fruity, it reminds one of a mixture of fresh-cut pineapple, melon and guava.
Product code: 5323
1.14 €
This absolute beauty has a quite unique appearance being dramatically striped and slashed in brown, with almost no seeds and firm thick flesh, the distinctive flavour is strong but not acidic.
Product code: 5322
1.14 €
Its tomatoes are indeed special, 1 to 2 pound pink beefsteaks with the delectably complex, rich, sweet flavor that has made Brandywine justifiably famous, indeterminate.
«Big Cherry» - Organic Tomato Seeds TOP
Product code: 5321
1.14 €
An excellent salad tomato, with clusters of 5 on spreading, hardy vines, with dark green foliage, full-season, high yields of deep scarlet, round, flavorful fruits, green fruits may be pickled, while ripe ones are used fresh or for preserves.
Product code: 5320
1.14 €
A mid-season tomato that is a top notch performer in the looks, taste, and production departments, this 2-4 ounce gem has amazing yellow red stripes, is a great producer and is a definite winner if you want a smaller, juicy, sweet tomato.
Product code: 5319
1.14 €
Stock your garden with this eye-catching purple tomato, which develops its beautifully dusky pigment when exposed to direct sunlight, the purple skin boasts high levels of anthocyanins, disease-fighting compounds that help fight cancer.
«Hazel mae» - Organic Tomato Seeds SALE
Product code: 5318
1.14 €
2.32 € (Sale: 50%)
Mid-ripening variety, round-flat, smooth, yellow-pink color, weighing 1000 grams, very beautiful, of exceptional yield and disease resistance.
Product code: 5317
1.14 €
This tomato caught the attention of a lot of gardeners this season, very long and gangly growth habit up to the tunnel roof and on, a habit rooted in the wild ancestory of vining tomatoes, each truss was loaded with sweet delicious red cherry tomatoes.
Product code: 5316
1.14 €
As aesthetically appealing as it is delicious, ruby boasts prolific beautiful huge red-streaked yellow fruits with marbled interior flesh, meaty with superb mild sweet flavor, smooth melting texture and not a bit of acidity.
Product code: 5314
1.14 €
If you have grown oxhearts before, you would know that most are terrific, that’s just what oxhearts are, but Slankard’s to me, sits on the top with the best of them, think about Curtis Cheek, Hungarian Heart or Anna Russian.
«Panther» - Organic Bean Seeds NEW
Product code: 5307
1.14 €
Mid-early variety, growing season from germination to technical ripeness 55-60 days, low-growing bush, 35-40 cm high, straight pods, 12-16 cm long, bright yellow, fiber-free, fleshy.
«Zorenka» - Organic Bean Seeds NEW
Product code: 5305
1.14 €
An early ripening variety, the growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 45-55 days, the plant is compact in shape, 35-40 cm high.
«Libra» - Organic Bean Seeds NEW
Product code: 5303
1.14 €
Medium-early, high-yielding variety, the growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 60-65 days, a bush-type plant 40-50 cm high.
«Laura» - Organic Bean Seeds NEW
Product code: 5302
1.14 €
A mid-early variety, with a long harvest period, a bush plant, up to 40 cm in height, the growing season from germination to technical ripeness is 60-65 days.
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