Product code: 1043
1.14 €
Mid-late variety, growing season 120-140 days, large root crop, cylindrical-cone-shaped with a blunt tip, up to 25 cm long, weighing up to 140 grams, completely immersed in the soil.
Product code: 1039
1.14 €
Coral is a slow bolting chantenay type carrot, 18 cm long, 6.3 cm in diameter and 120 gram in weight. Carrot is vivid reddish-orange in color and has small and dark colored core with excellent eating quality.
Product code: 1035
1.14 €
Perfect for heavier soils and containers! The small, conical roots of Carrot 'Royal Chantenay' have broad shoulders and strong foliage making them easier to pull when harvesting. This short carrot can be sown successionally for an ongoing harvest.
Product code: 1033
1.14 €
This is a mid early variety. The vegetation period from germination to ripeness 110-130 days. Plants 50-70cm high. Fruits are purple, cylindrical in shape, without ribbing, 16-20 cm long, up to 7 cm in diameter. The flesh is cream-green in color.
Product code: 1032
1.14 €
Mid early variety. The vegetation period from germination to ripeness 100-115 days. The plant is semi-sprawling, 60-75 cm high. The fruits are large, round shape, in a biological ripeness of creamy white color with a pink tinge.
Product code: 1024
1.14 €
Plant produces very high yields of large 22 lb dark green watermelons with light green markings. The red flesh is very sweet. This is a variety similar to the Crimson Sweet, but with higher sugar content and better flesh color.
Product code: 1022
1.14 €
Janosik is a highly recommended, yellow-flesh Polish breeding. It appears dark green skinned, nearly seedless and 4-5 kg (8,8-11 lbs) in weight. It`s yellow pulp contrasts perfectly other known pinkish and orange varites.
Product code: 1013
1.14 €
Sweet, blocky, 4 to 5 inches long by 2 to 2.5 inches wide, thick flesh. Matures from yellowish green to yellow to red. Pendant pods, green leaves, 18 to 24 inches tall. Early Season (60-70 days). Uses: Large Stuffing.
Product code: 1007
3.00 €
Our only native species is this attractive, medium-sized shrub with pendulous racemes of small, pale yellow flowers (with unusual, sensitive stamens) followed by bright red, translucent berries. These are edible and make an excellent jelly.
Product code: 1002
1.14 €
Another variety of Basma tobacco, Dubek comes from the Macedonian region of Greece. It has a light yellow leaf that is very aromatic and very sweet to smoke. Dubek tobacco is generally used to spice up pipe tobacco blends.
Product code: 1001
1.14 €
The Samsoun Turkish tobaccos are among the best Oriental tobaccos out there. This variety of tobacco with - higher nicotine content now used to a greater shisha tobacco, and as an aromatic ingredient of cigarettes and pipe tobacco.
Product code: 1000
1.14 €
Burley 21 is heirloom Burley variety that is a long time favorite of growers. Its history dates back over 200 years. It grows to 6-7 feet and is a reliable producer of large heavy leaf. It does well in a wide range of climates, and matures in 65-70 days.
Product code: 999
1.14 €
A very light gold leaf when curing, it makes an excellent smoking tobacco. It grows to a height of 6-7 feet tall. The light green leaves are from 14" to 18" wide and 24" to 30" long, and turn a light yellow when ripe.
Product code: 993
1.14 €
A grain crop, a valuable food product that brings enormous benefits, barley contains proteins that are superior in nutritional value to wheat and are completely absorbed by the body.
Product code: 969
1.14 €
This is the medium-early variety. Vegetation period from shoots to technical ripeness is 95-120 days. The shrub is tall, with a height of 70-100 cm. The fruits are large, oval in shape, in biological ripeness of red-violet color, weighing 200-300 g.
Product code: 928
1.14 €
A perspective variety of the Ukrainian selection of the Crimean Experimental Station of Tobacco-growing. Created by the method of species hybridization of the Peremozhek-83 varieties from the Nicotine Silvestris.
Product code: 877
1.14 €
Chufa is the Spanish name for Earth Almond (Cyperus esculentus L.). In english the small nut like lumps are called Tiger Nuts. It is one of the plants which has been grown for the longest time in Egypt. There are proof of them being grown for over 6000y.
Product code: 873
3.00 €
The fruits themselves are very large nuts, hence the name "Giant". The average weight of dried nuts is 20-25 grams. The shell is thin (shell thickness 1.0 - 1.5 mm). This variety of walnut - refers to the table and decorative varieties.
Product code: 857
2.00 €
This fruit's versatility extends beyond simply eating it. Cut in half and scoop out the translucent jelly-like flesh to create a unique, striking serving cup. African Horned Cucumber shells can be used as unique serving bowls for soups, sorbets.
Product code: 856
1.39 €
Grow this great bean for a really versatile, dual purpose plant. It produces straight and elegant, green, flat pods that mature and fatten to a shade of pale yellow. Each pod holds 4 or 6 soft skinned beans that you can cook fresh or dry for winter use.
Product code: 853
1.14 €
With unique layers of fringed petals, it might be hard to recognize our Imperialis Mix as the popular and prolific Cornflower or Bachelor's Button, but rest assured this unique and eye catching cultivar is just as easy to grow.
Product code: 851
1.14 €
Mid-season variety, tall bush, 135-150 cm high, pear-shaped fruits, smooth, dense, red in color, weighing 50-80 grams.
Product code: 847
1.14 €
A perennial loose-bush grass, the root system is fibrous, the stems are hollow, cylindrical, erect, geniculate in the lower part, height is about 100 cm or more, the inflorescence is a spike-shaped panicle of cylindrical or cone shape.
Product code: 842
1.14 €
An aromatic, low growing herb, which is ideal for edging paths or filling pots on a sunny patio. The small flowers, which appear in late spring and early summer, come in a range of shades including pink, purple and white and are very attractive to bees.
Product code: 839
1.14 €
Growing garden sage (salvia officinalis) is so economical and time-saving. Its flavor is so intense that only a dash is needed to flavor a dish. Sage is also one of the few herbs that, even as its leaves grow larger, the flavor intensifies.
Product code: 837
1.14 €
With plenty to recommend it, Sea Buckthorn is widely used for healing in Asia and Europe, where it is valued as a potent anti-oxidant, a source for Vitamin C and a healing oil. The attractive small tree or shrub, also called Seaberry.
Product code: 834
1.14 €
This is a late ripening variety, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 140-150 days. Heads of cabbage are large, with an average weight of 3-5 kg, sometimes up to 10 kg, of a gray-green color, of good density, rounded-flat.
Product code: 832
1.14 €
An annual plant, the stems are thin, branched, 10-20 cm high, the flowers are small, 1 cm in diameter, ruby red, dark blue, snow-white and purple, completely covering the plant during flowering.
Product code: 831
1.14 €
A wonderful old-time garden plant that is so popular we have decided to make it one of our value pack seeds. This beauty makes an amazing border with it's massive flower heads that get as large as they are tall!
Product code: 767
1.14 €
Cassia Grandis is a shapely, lovely small, medium to large canopy tree The size will depend on where and how you cultivate it. With blooms of pink and white that will completely cover the tree when in bloom. In zones 10 and up, where it is hardy.
1.14 €
Fig trees are all self-fertile and very productive. A fertile well-drained soil is recommended along with plentiful sunlight for maximum production. The chill hour requirements are few, if any, and most varieties are cold tolerant at least to 20 degrees.
Product code: 745
1.39 €
You do not have to start your blueberries from cuttings or nursery shrubs. For the patient gardener, though, growing blueberry shrubs from seed can give you excellent results.
Product code: 731
1.14 €
Annual plant. Stems upright, branched, height 25 - 40 cm Flowers with a pleasant aroma, simple, with a diameter of 5-10 cm., Funnel-shaped, and in different colors. Grow through seedlings in March - April, or sowing seeds in open ground in May and June.
Product code: 728
1.14 €
A tall plant with handsome dark green lemon-scented leaves, its appearance is reminiscent of hyssop or lavender, with showy lavender-blue flowers reaching 45cm/18cm. A nice addition to bee and butterfly gardens, the plant will bloom most of the summer.
Product code: 718
1.39 €
Purple Kidney bean plants are erect, reach about twenty-four inches in height, require no support, are uniform in production, and are very productive. The pods are reach six to seven inches long with kidney-type beans that are large, meaty.
Product code: 715
2.00 €
Starting Begonia seeds is a wonderful way to grow these compact Begonia plants. Tuberous Begonias are known for their brilliant color display. The best thing about these plants is that they offer an all-season display of color in the shady areas.
Product code: 714
1.14 €
Rutabagas should be a staple of the winter food garden. While Magres is an exceptional variety that matures for late winter use, it will also continue to hold in the garden as winter turns to spring. The mildew resistant, purple topped root.
Product code: 710
1.14 €
A selection from the range in our catalogue plus other colours and forms collected from our cottage garden. This well-filled generous packet must surely be the biggest ever offered by any seed company.
Product code: 689
1.14 €
This stately perennial flower is also known as Torch Lily. Kniphofia Torch Lily is native to South Africa, and it provides a dramatic display of multi-colored flower spikes that will reach 36-48 inches in height on top of long, dagger like leaves.
Product code: 672
1.14 €
An early spring, perennial plant, 20-25 cm high, flowers of various colors with a yellow-orange spot in the center, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.